Spatiotemporal transcriptome and metabolome landscapes of cotton …
2025年1月20日 · In this work, we carry out transcriptome and metabolome profiling of ovules based on ST, scRNA-seq, and SM to systematically analyze the dynamic changes at the single-cell level during fiber...
Cytokinin inhibits cotton fiber initiation by disrupting PIN3a …
In this study, we demonstrate an antagonistic effect between cytokinin (CK) and auxin on cotton fiber initiation. In vitro and in planta experiments indicate that enhanced CK levels can reduce auxin accumulation in the ovule integument, which may account for …
Cotton fiber elongation requires the transcription factor …
2018年12月3日 · GhSWEET12 appears to fulfill two roles during cotton ovule development. First, GhSWEET12 carries sucrose from outer epidermis to developing fibers. In the ovule culture experiment, significant differences in elongation rate were …
Fiber initiation development in Upland cotton - Springer
2008年6月10日 · The ovules at the stage of fiber initiation from −1 to +1 days post-anthesis (dpa) were studied, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in five Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars varying in lint percentage from 28.53% to 43.10%.
epidermis of cotton ovules. Cotton ovules at the stage of fiber initiation have been previously examined by SEM (Stewart, 1975). The Zellweger-Uster Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS) quantifies fiber circularity (º) and cross-sectional area, which are used for calculation of fiber perimeter, a determining factor of cotton fiber maturity
Phytohormonal Networks Promote Differentiation of Fiber Initials …
2015年4月30日 · To identify putative genes directly involved in the fiber initiation process, we used a cotton ovule culture technique that controls the timing of fiber initial differentiation by exogenous phytohormone application in combination with comparative expression analyses between wild type and three fiberless mutants.
Molecular Regulation of Cotton Fiber Development: A Review
2022年4月30日 · (B) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images from -2 DPA (ovule fiber initiation) to 35 DPA (fiber development completion). SEM scale = 100 μm. (D) Key TFs are involved in the regulation of cotton fiber development. Recent studies of the morphology and embryology of cotton ovules have greatly enhanced our understanding of …
Comparative proteomic analysis reveals the mechanisms governing cotton ...
2012年1月4日 · We compared the ovule proteomes of wild-type and fiberless mutant (fl) during fiber differentiation and initiation in cotton. The fl proteome is consistent with increased ROS generation, decreased stress response and lowered ROS scavenging capability. ROS homeostasis may be a central regulatory mechanism for cotton fiber morphogenesis. Post ...
Cotton fiber: a powerful single-cell model for cell wall and …
Cotton fiber is a powerful cell wall research model because it is an easily isolated single cell with distinct stages of cell wall synthesis. Other advantages include the ability to culture cotton ovules/fibers in vitro (Kim and Triplett, 2001).
Cotton ovule culture: A tool for basic biology, biotechnology and ...
Cotton ovule cultures are an especially attractive model system for studying the effects of gravity on cell elongation, cellulose biosynthesis and embryo development and are excellent targets for examining transient expression of introduced gene constructs.