Coulter pine - Wikipedia
Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri), or big-cone pine, is a conifer in the genus Pinus of the family Pinaceae. Coulter pine is an evergreen conifer that lives up to 100 years.
Coulter Pine: World’s Heaviest Pine Cone with Unique Features
2017年2月6日 · The Coulter Pine is known for the largest and heaviest pine cone in the world. Click to learn about its rapid growth, habitat, uses and more!
Coulter Pine - Calscape
The Coulter Pine or Big-cone Pine (Pinus coulteri) is a native of the coastal mountains of southern California (United States) and northern Baja California (Mexico). Isolated groves are found as …
Coulter Pine - Los Padres ForestWatch
Coulter pine is an evergreen conifer native to the coastal mountains from central California to the Baja peninsula and is well-established within the Los Padres National Forest. The species was …
Pinus coulteri - US Forest Service
Coulter pine is an indicator of serpentine soils, but also occurs on a variety of other substrates. Soils range from loamy to gravelly or rocky in texture [ 22 , 29 , 30 ]. Coulter pine occurs …
Coulter Pine, Pinus coulteri - University of California, Irvine
A medium-sized, single-trunked, erect, tree 30-85 ft. in height, and 12-30 in. diameter. Occasional to frequent on harsh, dry, south-facing slopes in open pine forests, mixed Bigcone Douglas …
Pinus coulteri-Coulter's Pine, Big Cone Pine - Moosa Creek Nursery
Coulter’s Pine or Big Cone Pine is a large conifer, gray to green in color, and growing in a roughly pyramidal shape from 30’ to 70’ in height, with a spread of 20’ to 30’. The stiff, dark green …
Coulter Pine, Big Cone Pine - Dave's Garden
This is a beautiful pine tree. Locals say it is also known as the "widow maker," due to its pineapple-size pinecones. Unf ...Read More ortunately, tens of thousands of Coulters, along …
Pinus coulteri (Coulter pine) description - The Gymnosperm Database
2025年2月10日 · Description of the evolution, biology, distribution, ecology, and uses of Pinus coulteri (Coulter pine).
Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri) - iNaturalist
The Coulter pine or big-cone pine, Pinus coulteri, is a native of the coastal mountains of Southern California and northern Baja California (Mexico). Isolated groves are found as far north as the …