The Jerusalem Council - Bible Study - BibleWise
Jerusalem Council, 49 CE., Jews had unbreakable covenant with God, circumcision was the mark of the covenant, James had final say, four requirements, 'Let's not make it difficult,' don't forget the poor in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Council - Bible Study - BibleWise
The incident described by Luke in Acts 15 is known today as the Jerusalem Council, or Council at Jerusalem. The traditional view is that Galatians 2 is Paul's description of the Council meeting. However, modern scholars now think Paul is actually describing a second incident.
Circumcision - Bible Study - BibleWise
Why does Paul insist that Timothy be circumcised right after he argued at the Jerusalem Council that circumcision wasn't necessary? Is this just another example of his inconsistency? Answer. Paul often seems inconsistent. People critical of Paul have considerable fodder for declaring him to be an apostle of expediency.
Acts - Questions & Answers - Bible Characters - BibleWise
Jerusalem Council. Are the incidents described in Acts 15:1-29 and Galatians 2:1-21 the same event, known as the Jerusalem Council — one description from Luke and one description from Paul? God-Fearers. Several New Testament writers use the term "God-fearers." Does this refer to an actual group or is it another name for Paul's opponents? Gamaliel
Paul’s Collection - Bible Study - BibleWise
At the conclusion of the Jerusalem Council, James told Paul not to forget the "poor." At the time, Paul seemed quite eager to help in this regard. According to Paul's letters, he gathered a collection of money from all the Gentile churches to be used for the "poor" in Jerusalem.
Titus - Bible Study - BibleWise
According to Paul's account in Gal 2:1-10, Titus accompanied him and Barnabas to Jerusalem. This visit occurred fourteen years after his first trip when Paul had only spoken with Peter and James. If this incident in Galatians is a reference to the Jerusalem Council, then the year would have been 48-49 C.E.
Barnabas - Bible Study - BibleWise
After returning to Antioch, the leaders of the church sent them to Jerusalem to resolve the dispute over circumcision. Barnabas and Paul spoke before the Council, but none of Barnabas’ words are recorded. When the decision was reached, Barnabas and Paul were sent back with letters from James explaining the decision.
The Life and Times of Paul – Paul's Arrival and Arrest in Jerusalem
Arrived in Jerusalem at Pentecost, anti-Gentile sentiment was high, four men and their Nazarite vow, Paul was asked to contribute, 'Temple has been defiled,' Roman commander to the rescue, emergency meeting of the Sanhedrin, assassination plot, …
Syrian Antioch and Pisidian Antioch - Bible Study - BibleWise
Issues stemming from the Gentile Christian population occasioned the council of Jerusalem, which decreed that Gentile Christians did not need to be circumcised nor follow the dietary laws. Pisidian Antioch - History. Like its sister city, Antioch of Pisidia was founded in 300 BCE by Seleucus I Nicator.
Silas - Bible Study - BibleWise
Silas and Judas were the two individuals chosen by the apostles from Jerusalem to accompany Barnabas and Paul back to Antioch. Both Silas and Judas are described as “leaders among the brothers.” They carried with them the letter delineating the decision that was the result of the Jerusalem Council.