  1. 阿尔弗雷德·冯·施里芬
  2. 出生1833年2月28日 · 德意志邦联普鲁士柏林
    逝世1913年1月4日(79岁) · 德意志帝国柏林
    配偶安娜·冯·施里芬 · (1868年结婚 · 1872年结束)

    Born in Prussia, Germany, on 28 February 1833, the son of a Prussian Army officer, he was part of an old Prussian noble family, the Schlieffen family. He lived with his father, Major Magnus von Schlieffen, on their estate in … 展开

    Military service

    On the recommendation of his commanders, Schlieffen was admitted to the General War School in 1858 at the age of 25, much earlier than others. He graduated in 1861 with high honours, which guaranteed him … 展开

    The German Army

    For Schlieffen, the smaller rate of conscription into the German army (55 per cent, compared to France's rate of 80 per cent), created a numerical imbalance, which was worsened by the Franco-Russian Alliance of … 展开

    War planning

    The cornerstone of Schlieffen's war planning was undoubtedly the strategic counter-offensive. Schlieffen was a great believer in the power of the attack in the context of the defensive operation. Germany's small… 展开