Correlates of War – The Correlates of War Project
2021年2月21日 · COW seeks to facilitate the collection, dissemination, and use of accurate and reliable quantitative data in international relations. Key principles of the project include a commitment to standard scientific principles of replication, data reliability, documentation, review, and the transparency of data collection procedures.
CowDB - Pure Key/Value database for Erlang Applications.
Key/Value database for Erlang Applications. Cowdb implements an indexed, key/value storage engine. Get started! 1> {ok, Pid} = cowdb:open ("testing.db"). 2> cowdb:put (Pid, a, 1). 3> cowdb:get (Pid, a). 4> cowdb:mget (Pid, [a, b]). 5> cowdb:put (Pid, b, 2). 6> cowdb:mget (Pid, [a, b]). 7> cowdb:mget(Pid, [a, b, c, d]). {add, c, 2},
Data Sets - Correlates of War
The list of states with COW abbreviations and ID numbers. COW Country Codes. This data set records the fluctuating composition of the state system since 1816. It also identifies countries corresponding to the standard Correlates of War country codes.
CDCB - Home
CDCB stewards the National Cooperator Database – the world’s largest animal database – that integrates genomic information and more than 80 years of recorded U.S. dairy animal performance data.
GitHub - Shahid-Ismail/CowScreeningDB-A-public-database-for …
“CowScreeningDB: A public benchmark dataset for lameness detection in dairy cows”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2023. Instructions for downloading: CowScreeningDB
CowScreeningDB: A public benchmark database for
2024年1月1日 · CowScreeningDB is a vet-assigned public dataset for healthy and lame cows. One can assess cow behavior via multi-sensor signals representing various modalities. CowScreeningDB has an average 6.7 h/cow for continuous evaluation. Shared sampling/classification system info for reuse by researchers/domain experts.
Papers with Code - CowScreeningDB: A public benchmark dataset …
2024年5月24日 · It consists of a multi-sensor dataset built on data collected using an Apple Watch 6 during the normal daily routine of a dairy cow. Thanks to the collection environment, sampling technique, information regarding the sensors, the applications used for data conversion and storage make the dataset a transparent one.
Notes on BoltDB - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BoltDB 实现了一个 COW BTree, 本身功能比较简单, 代码也比较简洁。 我们进入代码之前,可以先讲讲它的大致流程。 这篇文章写的时候,已经有一篇很好的博客了: https://youjiali1995.github.io/storage/boltdb/我…
turkeyscramble/Cow-DB-SQLServer: See README.md - GitHub
Cow-DB-SQLServer Contains the SQL for each of the tables in the SQL Server database in SSMS. Includes all necessary CRUD ops to fill the database with Cow data. 3rd normal form, and PK FK relationships are perfect.
In this study, we create a multi-sensor dataset (CowScreeningDB) which can be used for lameness. As we have made the dataset public1 and free of charge for researching purposes, it should act as a benchmark allowing to objectively compare the techniques put forth for lameness.