U.S. CattleTrace | United States
The development of a cattle disease traceability system has risen to one of the top priorities in the industry throughout multiple segments of the beef value chain. To address this industry-wide …
Trase: Brazilian beef exports and deforestation | SEI
2023年11月21日 · Trase analysis shows that the three largest beef traders – JBS, Minerva and Marfrig – continue to be the most exposed to deforestation and conversion from exports of …
Trase - Insights and analysis on commodity trade sustainability - Trase
Trase empowers you with data and insight to eliminate deforestation and transition towards more sustainable and equitable agricultural supply chains. Tony’s Chocolonely’s ‘open chain’ …
中巴两国如何打造更可持续的畜牧业:数据或许是解法 - Insights - Trase
2024年3月4日 · 2023 年 11 月,从巴西进口大豆的中国贸易商中粮国际(COFCO International)与现代牧业集团(Modern Farming Group)签署了一份 3000 万美元的巴西大 …
What is Trase? - Trase - trase.earth
Trase transforms our understanding of globally traded agricultural commodities. It empowers companies, financial institutions, governments and others to address sustainability risks and …
Trase | Observable
2024年8月12日 · Trase is a supply chain transparency initiative that seeks to transform our understanding of how companies and governments involved in the trade of agricultural …
Who is U.S. CattleTrace? | U.S. CattleTrace
In January 2020, multiple state cattlemen’s organizations from major beef producing regions announced a partnership to form U.S. CattleTrace, a disease traceability initiative. The goal is …
As the Brazil-EU beef trade grows, Trase’s data, updated annually, ofer a powerful way to monitor the sources of beef exports from Brazil to the EU, and any change in the deforestation risk that …
This document describes the data and methods that Trase used to map the subnational supply chain for Brazilian beef exports from 2015-2017, using a model called 'SEI-PCS Brazil beef …
Trase data link agricultural commodity production to deforestation and other social and environmental impacts – and in turn to specific trading companies and consumer markets. lm …