XPS patterns of Ce/CoWO4 sample. a Survey spectra, b Co 2p, c …
Here, we report an efficient removal of glyphosate (GLP) and Cr (VI) from water under batch as well as continuous flow conditions using the activated carbon fiber (ACF)-supported nanocomposite of...
XPS spectra of prepared CoWO4 powers (a) survey (b) Co
In this paper, we report the synthesis of cube shaped nanoparticles of CoWO4 (∼30 nm) by molten salts and their bifunctional electro-catalytic activities in water redox reactions for oxygen...
Hydrothermal synthesis of CoWO4 nanoparticles and evaluation …
2023年9月1日 · The Rietveld refinement, Raman, XPS and FTIR spectroscopy study suggest the pure phase formation of the wolframite-type monoclinic crystal structure of CoWO 4 NPs. Surface morphological images reveal uniform nanostructured flower-like morphology.
XPS spectra of CoWO 4 @OACNS: (a) Co 2p, (b) W 4f, (c) O 1s, (d) …
Herein, a novel nanocomposite from CoWO 4 nanodots anchored on olive derived activated carbon doped with N and S (OACNS) is successfully prepared via an in-situ hyd... ... phase. In addition, the...
Construction of Magnetic S‐Doped CoWO4 ... - Wiley Online Library
2023年6月27日 · Herein, a magnetic sulfur-doped composite CoFe 2 O 4 @S–CoWO 4 (CF@S–CoWO 4) is developed through a hydrothermal synthesis method, which is used to selectively recover gold in aqueous media.
Hydrothermal synthesis and electronic properties of FeWO4 and CoWO4 …
2010年3月18日 · Electronic properties of the FeWO 4 and CoWO 4 tungstates were studied using several X-ray spectroscopy methods, mainly X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS).
CoWO4纳米粒子的水热合成及其超级电容性能评价,Journal of …
Rietveld 精修、拉曼、XPS 和 FTIR 光谱研究表明 CoWO 4 NPs 的黑钨矿型单斜晶体结构的纯相形成。 表面形态图像揭示了均匀的纳米结构花状形态。 循环伏安图表明,基于 CoWO 4的电极材料显示出571 F/g 的比电容 (C sp ),而 GCD 则显示出比电容 (C sp) 712 F/克。
CoWO4 nanoparticles prepared by two methods displaying …
2015年3月1日 · XPS analysis is used to investigate both the composition and binding energy of surface atoms present in the as-synthesized CoWO 4. In the survey spectrum of CoWO 4 -amorphous ( Fig. 4 a) and CoWO 4 -crystalline ( Fig. 4 b), it clearly demonstrated the presence of elements Co, W, and O and the appearance of C may be owing to the absorbed organic ...
催化剂界面电场和电荷转移的调制促进了 NiS 改性的 CoWO4…
采用xps、epr、spv和dft计算分析催化剂的电荷转移路径和性能提高的原因。 S 型 CoWO4/ZnIn2S4 异质结的构建,以及 NiS 改性以增强界面电场 (IEF) 并充当反应中心,被认为是增强制氢活性的主要原因。
XPS spectrum of CoWO4/RGO composite: wide spectra (a
In this paper, CoWO4/g-C3N4 composites with efficient sonocatalytic activity were fabricated by a modified polyacrylamide gel route combined with a facile ultrasound-assisted process.