Cypraea Cowries Cowry Seashells Cypraeidae Felix Lorenz
Cypraeidae research, online articles about cowries, extensive selection of cowries and other specimen shells for purchase, cowry photos, taxonomic information on Cypraea, cowry …
Cowries.info - Felix Lorenz
Cypraeidae research, online articles about cowries, cowry photos, taxonomic information on Cypraea, cowry descriptions
Shell collecting ethics, about Cowries.info
Impressum / Disclaimer Dr. Felix Lorenz Biologist Fr.-Ebert-Str. 12 35418 Buseck Telefon: 01716328778 E-Mail: [email protected] Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach §27a …
Cypraeovula cruickshanki-group - cowries.info
A Review of the cruickshanki -group - Cypraeidae: Cypraeovula The fascinating deep water species of Cypraeovula, castanea, cruickshanki, connelli and iutsui have been subject of vast …
Australia's spectacular Cowries. A review and field study of two endemic genera: Zoila and Umbilia. – 396 pp., 383 pls. El Cajon, CA, USA (Odyssey Publishing).
Abstract Notocypraea declivis dennyorum n. ssp. from eastern and southern Tasmania, differs from the nominate northern subspecies by its smaller size, darker coloration, and denser, …
A Guide to Worldwide Cowries second revised edition by Felix Lorenz and Alex Hubert
Unbenanntes Dokument - cowries
This volume deals with the 19 recent species and subspecies of the genus Zoila, a fascinating group of endemic Cowries from West Australia. All of the more than 60 names used in the past …
On the identity of Erronea garyi Petuch, Berschauer, and Waller 2019 In "the Festivus Vol. 51(2), an interesting population from King Sound, NW Australia is described as a new species: …
Unbenanntes Dokument - cowries
guttata guttata: note the two distinct basal blotches, the absence of a labral blotch, the large and small lacunae and the inflated shell guttata guttata, variation bicallosa: it is smaller and …