二茂铁 - 百度百科
二茂铁,是一种具有芳香族性质的有机过渡金属化合物,化学式为Fe (C5H5)2,常温下为橙黄色粉末,有樟脑气味。 熔点172℃-174℃,沸点249℃,100℃以上能升华;不溶于水,易溶于苯、乙醚、汽油、柴油等有机溶剂。 与酸、碱、紫外线不发生作用,化学性质稳定,400℃以内不分解。 其分子呈现极性,具有高度热稳定性、化学稳定性和耐辐射性,二茂铁自身的应用并不多,但用已知的方法可以合成出种类繁多的衍生物,大大延伸了二茂铁的应用范围。 其在工业、农业、医 …
Ferrocene - Wikipedia
Ferrocene is an organometallic compound with the formula Fe (C5H5)2. The molecule is a complex consisting of two cyclopentadienyl rings sandwiching a central iron atom. It is an orange solid with a camphor-like odor that sublimes above room temperature, and is soluble in most organic solvents.
Cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl dimer - Wikipedia
Cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl dimer is an organometallic compound with the formula [ (η5 -C 5 H 5)Fe (CO) 2] 2, often abbreviated to Cp 2 Fe 2 (CO) 4, [CpFe (CO) 2] 2 or even Fp 2, with the colloquial name "fip dimer".
二茂铁_化工百科 - ChemBK
溶于稀硝酸、浓硫酸、苯、乙醚、石油醚和四氢呋喃,在稀硝酸和浓硫酸中生成带蓝色荧光的深红色溶液。 不熔于水、10%氢氧化钠和热的浓盐酸,这些溶剂的沸液中,二茂铁既不溶解也不分解,能随水蒸气挥发,有类似樟脑的气味,在空气中稳定,具有强烈吸收紫外线的作用,对热相当稳定,可耐470℃高温加热。 R11 - 高度易燃。 R22 - 吞食有害。 R51/53 - 对水生生物有毒,可能对水体环境产生长期不良影响。 S61 - 避免释放至环境中。 参考特别说明/安全数据说明书。 …
Cp2Fe Mediated Electrochemical Synthesis of Phosphonylated …
2023年5月18日 · A general and robust strategy for the synthesis of phosphonylated spirocyclic indolines has been developed through Cp 2 Fe-catalyzed electrochemical dearomaztizaion of indoles, which has been proven challenging to achieve via chemical oxidants.
Cp2Fe 介导的功能化化合物的电化学合成:最新 ... - X-MOL
2024年2月29日 · This review focuses on Cp Fe-mediated electrosynthesis of diverse functionalized compounds with the newly formed C−N, C−C, C−P, and C−O bonds over the past decade. 本综述重点关注过去十年中Cp 2 Fe 介导的具有新形成的 CN、C-C、C-P 和 C-O 键的多种功能化化合物的电合成。
Cp2Fe-Mediated Electrochemical Synthesis of Phosphorylated …
2024年7月9日 · An efficient and environmentally friendly electrochemical synthesis of phosphorylated oxindoles and indolo [2,1- a]isoquinolin-6 (5 H)-ones mediated by readily available Cp 2 Fe has been developed, which illustrated a broad substrate scope and diverse functional group compatibility.
宁波大学赵玉芬院士团队吴巨副研究员Org. Lett.:Cp2Fe介导电化 …
2023年5月31日 · 该论文开发了一种高效的Cp2Fe 催化的吲哚电化学去芳构化反应,可以绿色高效地制备多种膦酰化螺环吲哚啉衍生物。 值得注意的是,通过对传统氧化条件的探索表明:该电化学方法提供的反应性具有独特性。
Cp2Fe‐Mediated Electrochemical Synthesis of Functionalized …
2024年2月29日 · This review focuses on Cp 2 Fe-mediated electrosynthesis of diverse functionalized compounds with the newly formed C−N, C−C, C−P, and C−O bonds over the past decade. Unlike traditional organic methods, electrosynthesis has emerged as an environmentally friendly and sustainable approach to generate a series of functionalized compounds.
The preparation, structure and fluxional behaviour of isonitrile ...
1984年2月14日 · Cp2Fe;(CO)4 and its derivatives provide excellent examples for study, since synthetic routes to a wide variety of substituted complexes are available, and the mechanism of cis ^ trans isomerization and bridge ^ terminal carbonyl exchange has been well documented by the work of Adams and Cotton [1].