Patterned cPCDH expression regulates the fine organization of the ...
2022年12月7日 · Here, by integrating in-depth single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis, progenitor lineage labelling and mosaic functional analysis, we report that the diverse yet patterned expression of clustered...
Chromatin establishes an immature version of neuronal …
2019年11月18日 · In the mammalian genome, the clustered protocadherin (cPCDH) locus provides a paradigm for stochastic gene expression with the potential to generate a unique cPCDH combination in every...
生命学院时松海课题组揭示调控大脑新皮层神经元空间精细结构排 …
2022年12月8日 · 钙粘蛋白(Cadherin)作为一类经典的细胞表面分子家族介导细胞间的相互作用,而集簇性原钙粘蛋白(cPCDH)家族作为钙粘蛋白超家族中最大的一类,主要表达在脊椎动物神经系统中。 哺乳动物中的cPCDH家族可以进一步分为Pcdha、Pcdhb和Pcdhg三个亚家族,并串联地分布在同一染色体上,在小鼠中cPCDH家族共包括58个成员(图1)。...
Nature︱清华大学生命科学学院时松海课题组揭示调控大脑新皮层 …
钙粘蛋白 (Cadherin)作为一类经典的细胞表面分子家族介导细胞间的相互作用,而 集簇性原钙粘蛋白 (clustered protocadherin, cPCDH)家族作为钙粘蛋白超家族中最大的一类,主要表达在脊椎动物神经系统中 [1]。 哺乳动物中的cPCDH家族可以进一步分为 Pcdha 、 Pcdhb 、和 Pcdhg 三个亚类,并串联地分布在同一染色体上,在小鼠中cPCDH家族共包括58个成员。 cPCDH家族之所以受到广泛关注,一方面是由于cPCDH通过启动子的随机选择机制产生成百上千亿的亚型 …
时松海课题组在《Nature》发文揭示调控大脑新皮层神经元空间精 …
该研究首次揭示了细胞表面分子clustered protocadherins (cPCDHs,集簇性原钙粘蛋白)在大脑新皮层兴奋性神经元中的组合表达呈现规律性,并且这种规律性表达调控新皮层神经元的单细胞水平精细空间结构排布和功能神经环路组装,为深入理解大脑结构和功能提供了全新的分子机制。...
The Role of Clustered Protocadherins in Neurodevelopment and ...
In humans, single nucleotide variants scattered across the cPCDH locus have been identified, which associate with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism and schizophrenia.
Structural insights into the in situ assembly of clustered ...
2025年2月16日 · Clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs) belong to the cadherin superfamily and play important roles in neural development. cPcdhs mediate homophilic adhesion and lead to...
Patterned cPCDH expression regulates the fine organization of the ...
Here, by integrating in-depth single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis, progenitor lineage labelling and mosaic functional analysis, we report that the diverse yet patterned expression of clustered protocadherins (cPCDHs)-the largest subgroup of the cadherin superfamily of cell-adhesion molecules 7 -regulates the precise spatial arrangement and synap...
Nature:清华大学时松海团队揭示调控大脑新皮层神经元空间精细 …
该研究首次揭示了细胞表面分子clustered protocadherins(cPCDHs,集簇性原钙粘蛋白)在大脑新皮层兴奋性神经元中的组合表达呈现规律性,并且这种规律性表达调控新皮层神经元的单细 …
How clustered protocadherin binding specificity is tuned for ... - eLife
2022年3月7日 · Clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs) are a large family of cadherin-like proteins named for the clustered arrangement of their genes in vertebrate genomes (Wu and Maniatis, 1999; Wu et al., 2001). cPcdhs play roles in many facets of neural development (Peek et al., 2017), including circuit development, most notably neurite self-avoidance in vertebr...
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