High-Efficicency High-Density 6kW 400/48V Power Supply for …
A 6kW 400V/48V 3-phase prototype will be implemented, with an expected peak efficiency of 99% and a power density of 900W/in 3 (56 kW/L). This Nugget from RIMON GADELRAB provides a brief look into their respective research.
High Frequency 6.6kW Bi-directional On Board Charger for Plug-in Hybrid Electrical Vehicle >96% Efficiency over whole battery voltage
The objective of this project is to design, develop, and demonstrate a 6.6kw isolated bi-directional On-Board Charger (OBC) using Gallium Nitride (GaN) power switches in a vehicle capable of achieving the specifications identified in Table 1, below.
Document Summary | Library | CPES - Virginia Tech
The Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), with annual research expenditures of $6-7 million dollars, is dedicated to improving electrical power processing and distribution that impact systems of all sizes – from battery-operated electronics to vehicles to regional and national electrical distribution systems.
6.6KW高功率密度双向车载充电器(文末附下载链接!)-电子工程 …
2024年11月6日 · 本方案介绍了一款6.6千瓦双向车载充电器(OBC)针对高功率密度、高效车载充电器应用,采Wolfspeed的新型650V E-Series碳化硅MOSFET。 E3M0060065D/K已通过汽车认证并具备PAPP功能,采用TO-247封装。 在这款高密度OBC中,所有碳化硅MOSFET都安装在经过加工的铝散热器上,所有磁性元件都内置在内部。 MOSFET和磁性元件在65°C冷却板上满足热要求。 该系统在每立方英寸内提供54W/In3功率密度,在67KHz的开关频率下实现CCM桥 …
6.6kW双向车载充电器OBC设计 - 电子工程专辑 EE Times China
2025年1月6日 · 在这里有电力电子技术:光伏并网逆变器(PV建模,MPPT,并网控制,LCL滤波,孤岛效应),光伏离网,光伏储能,风电变流器(双馈、直驱),双向变流器PCS,新能源汽车,充电桩,车载电源,数字电源,双向DCDC(LLC,移相全桥,DAB),储能(锂电池、超级电容),低电压穿越(LVRT),高电压穿越,虚拟同步发电机,多智能体,电解水,燃料电池,能量管理系统(直流微网、交流微网)以及APF,SVG ,DVR,UPQC等谐波治理和无功补偿 …
6.6kW的车载充电器(On-Board Charger, OBC)电路分析 - CSDN …
2024年11月9日 · 本文围绕新能源 车载 充电机的 OBC 开关电源设计方案展开讨论,主要包括 6.6KW 、7 KW 、3. 3 KW 和11 KW 四种功率级别的充电机设计。 此外,本文还提供了3. 3 KW车载 充电机开关电源设计方案的相关资料和 双向 升降压48 - 54DC输入、320Vbc输出的 6kW 充电机全套设计。 通过合理的数字控制和电压电流环控制核心算法,以及PFC和LLC电源设计方案的应用,可以实现充电机的高效、稳定和安全运行。 此外,本文还提供了3. 3 KW车载 充电机和 …
2020年12月6日 · The 6.6 kW Bi-Directional On-Board Charger (OBC) targets high-power-density, high-eficiency on-board charger applications and features Wolfspeed’s new 650V C3M SiC MOSFETs. The C3M0060650D is a 60mΩ, 650V MOSFET in TO-247 package. In this high density OBC, all SiC MOSFETs are mounted on a tooled …
6.6kW High Power Density Bi-directional EV On-Board Charger
2021年4月2日 · With its ability to achieve high-power density and simple control, a single-phase single choke CCM totem pole PFC solution is selected for this paper. For thermal management, MOSFETs in a TO-247 package are normally reverse-assembled on the PCB in OBC applications. They are then mounted on a flat cooling baseplate.
Inductor Coupling and Integration for 6.6kW On Board Battery …
In this paper, the positive coupled inductor concept is applied to the interleaved totem-pole CRM PFC converter for a 6.6kW on board battery charger and the difference between negative coupling and positive coupling will be discussed.