Short Courses | Education | CPES
The course will engage engineers in a combined lecture/laboratory instructional format, providing hands-on experience in the DC/DC converter analysis, modeling, simulation, control design and frequency domain measurement techniques.
100131 - Modeling and Control Design of DC/DC Converter
The course will engage engineers in a combined lecture/laboratory instructional format, providing hands-on experience in the DC/DC converter analysis, modeling, simulation, control design and frequency domain measurement techniques.
Engineers will be engaged in a combined lecture/laboratory instructional format, providing hands-on experience in DC/DC converter analysis, modeling, simulation, control design and frequency domain measurement techniques. The material is applicable to …
Short Courses | Education | CPES - Virginia Tech
Through CPES professional short courses, practicing engineers gain a clear understanding of fundamental principles and a working knowledge of current technology and applications. All courses are taught by CPES’ world-renowned experts and feature lectures and hands-on laboratory sessions.
模拟电路设计有哪些ieee的文章必读? - 知乎
A Monolithic 12.7W/mm2 Pmax, 92% Peak-Efficiency CSCR-First Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter 这几篇paper的核心思路都是软充电技术,但是没有用电感,而是将电容充放电的步长打散,从而大大减小电荷共享损耗,做出来的性能特别棒。
迄今为止电力电子Converter领域里的电流模式小信号建模法Review …
到现在为止一共有哪些电流模式的小信号建模法?其发展历程与特点差异是什么? 问题的background为:power electronics的converter的modeling领域。 我总结了一些,基本上都是基于CPES的Doctoral Dissertations的成…
CPES-高功率密度双向谐振变换器设计 - 哔哩哔哩
转自youtube Design of High-density Isolated Bi-directional Soft-switching Resonant DC-DC Converter
杨波 博士论文 中文版<<分布式电源系统前端DC-DC变换器拓扑研究…
2021年11月2日 · 杨波2003年的博士论文(中文名:分布式电源系统前端dc-dc变换器拓扑研究)在国内的广泛引用以及工程界的流传度,强烈建议电力电子行业,特别是从事50w功率以上电源相关行业工程师认真阅读和理解,至于翻译,几点其他原因如下:
Center for Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Tech on LinkedIn: #cpes …
Yuliang’s work contributed significant advancements to the dc transformer (DCX), a fixed-ratio isolated dc-dc converter applicable to electric vehicle (EV) charging systems, energy storage...
With individual step-‐by-‐step guidance in the lab, parIcipants will learn through simulaIon and measurements how to solve design problems using current-‐injecIon control and voltage-‐mode control, and will see the impact of loop gain design on closed-‐loop performances such as stability margins, small-‐s...