Cardiopulmonary exercise testing—a beginner’s guide to the …
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a dynamic, non-invasive assessment of the cardiopulmonary system at rest and during exercise. Deficiencies in the CPET-derived variables anaerobic threshold, peak oxygen consumption, and ventilatory efficiency for carbon dioxide are associated with poor postoperative outcomes.
运动处方制定必备技能之心肺运动试验(CPET)— — 基本概念与 …
心肺运动试验(cardiopulmonary exercise testing, CPET)是综合评价人体呼吸系统、心血管系统、神经生理以及骨骼肌系统对同一运动应激的整体反应,通过测定人体在休息、运动及运动结束时恢复期每一次呼吸的氧摄取量(VO2)、二氧化碳排出量(VCO2)和通气量(VE),及心率 ...
Clinician’s Guide to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Adults:
2010年6月28日 · Modern CPX systems allow for the analysis of gas exchange at rest, during exercise, and during recovery and yield breath-by-breath measures of oxygen uptake (V̇ o2), carbon dioxide output (V̇ co2), and ventilation (V̇ e).
2023年1月29日 · 应用CPET制订运动处方,首先要根据CPET测定的相关指标和临床情况,对受试者进行危险分层,根据分层结果确定运动强度的安全范围以及运动时间和运动频率,再根据peakVO 2 、AT、峰值心率、峰值负荷等指标,制订个体化的运动处方,以确保运动治疗的安全性和有效性。 运动强度可以采用peakVO 2 百分比、最大心率(HRmax)百分比,以及心率储备[heart rate reserve,HRR,HRR=HRmax-静息心率(HRrest)]百分比等表示,也可以采用功 …
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET or CPEX), also referred to as a VO2 (oxygen consumption) test, is a specialized type of stress test or exercise test that measures your exercise ability. Information about the heart and lungs is collected to understand if the body’s response to exercise is normal or abnormal.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) In Adults
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is an exercise test for analyzing both diagnostic and prognostic assessment by evaluating both submaximal and peak exercise response involving the pulmonary, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, neuropsychological, and skeletal muscle systems[1], CPET is aimed at the evaluation of exercise performance ...
Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing: Setup - YouTube
2013年12月5日 · This podcast details the preparations necessary to conduct a cardio pulmonary exercise test.For more details please see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/anaesthesia/rese...
Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET, sometimes abbreviated as CPX) is the determination of a person‘s performance during physical exercise by measuring, or calculating, the metabolic gas exchange alongside a number of other parameters. In order to perform a specific task, the body needs to provide the required energy.
ARTP statement on cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2021
CPET’s superior ability to measure the global exercise response of the respiratory, cardiovascular and skeletal muscle systems simultaneously in a time and cost-efficient manner has led to the application of CPET in a range of settings from diagnosis of disease to preoperative assessment.
Practical guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing in adults
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a maximal exercise test with concomitant gas exchange analysis that provides an integrative and comprehensive assessment of physiologic responses to exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness.