China Petroleum Technical Service Corporation (CPTEC) is one of the largest oilfield service companies in the world. With 170,000 employees and total assets of 174.1 billon CNY, CPTEC provides full industry chain technical service including geological research, geophysical exploration, drilling, logging, downhole service, offshore engineering ...
CPECC承建的青海油田首个新能源清洁替代项目... 公司领导会见阿布扎比国家石油公司海上石油... 伊拉克副总理兼石油部部长出席BNGL项目第一... 李小宁会见中国石油莫桑比克公司总经理郑剑... 确保北京市场汽油质量升级改造项目10万... 确保北京市场汽油质量升级改造项目10万吨/年硫磺回收... 内蒙古兴洁天然气有限公司40万吨/年天然... 内蒙古兴洁天然气有限公司40万吨/年天然气液化储配项... 呼和浩特石化分公司500万吨年炼油扩能改... 呼和浩特石化分公司500万吨年炼油扩 …
据悉,自1月29日起,在“中国石油集团油田技术服务有限公司”全称保持不变情况下,公司简称由“中油油服”调整为“中油技服”,英文全称由“CNPC Oilfield Service Limited Company”调整为“ChinaPetroleum Technical Service Corporation Limited”,英文简称由“CNPC Service”调整 ...
Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos - Wikipedia
Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC, Portuguese for Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies) is the numerical weather prediction agency of Brazil, part of INPE (National Institute for Space Research). Its mission is …
rpradosiqueira/cptec: An R interface to the CPTEC/INPE API - GitHub
CPTEC stands for 'Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos' and INPE for 'Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais'. CPTEC is the most advanced numerical weather and climate forecasting center in Latin America, with high-precision short and medium-term weather forecasting since the beginning of 1995.
Assessing improved CPTEC probabilistic forecasts on …
2014年8月5日 · The present study assesses the medium-range probabilistic forecast issued using an improved version of the Centre for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC) Ensemble Prediction System (EPS)....
Groups - AEM | Association of Equipment Manufacturers
The Crop Production Equipment Technical Committee (CPETC) provides a forum to address emerging issues in the agricultural machinery sector that have impact on crop production equipment. The primary focus is on safety, standards and regulations, environmental, educational and public policy.
中国石油集团油田技术服务有限公司 - CNPC
中央第五生态环境保护督察组督察中国石油天然气集团有限公司动员会在北京召开 [2024-10-19] 中油技服高效统筹疫情防控和生产经营纪实 [2022-06-29] 中油技服绿色低碳转型迈出重要步伐 [2022-06-06] 中油技服全面启动2022年对标管理工作 [2022-04-02] 中油技服多措并举确保安全生产 …
CPTEC, one of the specialized groups of CNPC, administates 9 subsidiaries and is also responsible for the business management, guidance and coordination of other engineering and technical service enterprises and scientific research institutions affiliated to CNPC.
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