Command Post of the Future - General Dynamics Mission Systems
Originally designed and built by General Dynamics, the Command Post of the Future (CPOF) was fielded across the U.S. Army and enabled warfighters to visualize the battlefield and plan missions. In 2009, CPOF received a "Outstanding Government Program" award.
Command Post of the Future - Wikipedia
The United States Army's Command Post of the Future (CPOF) is a C2 software system that allows commanders to maintain topsight over the battlefield; collaborate with superiors, peers and subordinates over live data; and communicate their intent.
The goal of the Command Post of the Future Program (CPOF) is to shorten the commander’s decision cycle to stay ahead of the adversary’s ability to react. To accomplish this goal, CPOF has developed software that supports the following objectives: • Increase Speed and Quality of Command Decisions
The Command Post of the Future (CPOF) has been the U.S. Army’s most widely used Command Post system over the past decade. The latest version of CPOF software includes a capability that allows it to scale
CPOF's Capabilities Evolve Into Web-Based Environment
2014年12月19日 · Command Post of the Future is moving to the next generation of mission command with Command Post Web, a web version of CPOF that provides similar capabilities to users with access to the Army’s tactical network.
U.S. Army's common operating picture tool continues to evolve
2012年12月6日 · CPOF is the primary COP viewer used by the Army in all theaters, combining feeds from different mission command systems to provide a broad spectrum of information that commanders and staff...
First Army trained on new software suite that enhances …
2022年1月31日 · First Army Soldiers and civilians learned about the program, called the Command Post Computing Environment — also called CPCE — during training conducted at First Army headquarters the final ...
CPOF: Software Users Manual Now Available > Army …
2019年12月9日 · Brief – The software user manual (SUM), TM 11-7010-653-SUM (IETM EM 0381, Mar 19) is now available for the Command Post of the Future (CPOF). Choose the “ETM/IETM” app and search for the TM.
Army Tests Future Command Post Mission System At Last NIE …
2018年11月1日 · CP CE is set to to replace the Army’s Command Post of the Future (CPoF) and is intended to create an improved common operating environment through web-enabled applications. Maj. Shigenobu Morinaga, whose 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne is testing CP CE at NIE, told reporters his soldiers have taken quickly to the system’s chat functions and ...
Army changing its approach for command post tool - DefenseScoop
2023年10月5日 · As opposed to the old waterfall method the program currently executes, the Army will be releasing new capability drops at minimum once per quarter for the Command Post Computing Environment. CPCE is a web-enabled system that will consolidate current mission systems and programs into a single user interface at command posts to provide a common ...