Cone Penetration Test with pore water pressure measurement (CPTU…
A cone penetration test with pore water pressure measurement, or CPTU, is a static penetration test with water pressure measurement. The main purpose of CPT (CPTU) testing is to identify subsurface conditions: classify soil, detect layers and measure strength, determine deformation characteristics and the permeability of foundation soils.
Let's Talk About CPTu | GeoGroup
One of the most significant additions to the electrical probe was the addition of a porewater pressure (PWP) transducer, now more commonly referred to as Piezocone penetration testing or CPTu. The ability to measure PWP has greatly improved the accuracy in determining the geotechnical properties of soils.
孔压静力触探(CPTU)能实测锥尖阻力qc,侧 壁摩阻力f s 和孔隙水压力u等参数,能非常直观地反 映土类的变化,因此土分类一直是CPTU的主要工程
浅析孔压静力触探(CPTU)原位测试技术 - 百度文库
摘要:孔压静力触探〔CPTU〕原位测试技术不仅能测得锥尖阻力和侧 壁摩阻力,还可测得地下水位以下各土层的孔隙水压力及超孔隙水压力消散过程,在区分砂 层和黏性土层时,分辨率极高。 另外,CPTU 测试对土体扰动很小,其测试数据能最大程度 反映土体的真实性状。 因此,CPTU 原位测试技术在我国具有广阔的应用和开展空间。 f土体扰动很小,其测试数据能最大程度反映土体的真实性状。 〔2〕影响 CPTU 测试结果的因素有很多种,且各种因素的影响程度各不相 …
依托淮安至江都高速公路拓宽工程,对新老路地基进行cptu测试和旁压试验,根据旁压试验测试得出土体的切线模型;对拓宽路基进行沉降监测,通过路基沉降反算出路基土层压缩模量,研究了cptu测试参数计算复合地基沉降的计算模型,并与传统的经验关系模型 ...
Cone penetration tests (CPTU) in saturated interme-diate materials such as silty soils typically occur un-der partial drainage at the standard rate of penetra-tion. Undrained and drained soil responses can be induced by changing the penetration rate (v).
Cone Penetration Test Data Interpretation for Layered ... - Scipedia
CPT with PWP measurements (CPTu) has therefore become a practicable technique for identifying internal PWP and distinguishing deposited layers. As such, a detailed approach to CPT data interpretation is required for interlayered tailings facilities with perched phreatic surfaces.
现代数字式多功能CPTU 与中国CPT 对比试验研究 - 豆丁网
力触探(cptu)是目前工程地质勘察使用最为广泛 的原位测试技术[1~5],但其测试成果受到许多因素 的影响,诸如探头规格、技术标准和操作程序的影
CPT pwp dissapation rate test - Soil testing engineering
2003年8月19日 · One method of using the pore pressure dissipation data is to use a ch correlation graph. The graph we have used in the past shows how the t50 value from your CPT dissipation test correlates to a ch value from lab testing. The chart is titled "Average lab ch values and CPTU test results".
基于现代CPTU测试的桩基承力确定方法研究 刘松玉_百度文库
国外出现了孔压静力触探 (CPTU)、环境岩土静力触探 及其它多功能探头等,静力 触探技术得到了广泛应用和 进一步的发展。 出现了不少同时测孔压和侧 阻力的研究成果,并在工程 实践中应用。 国际不少机构 研制开发了用于CPT的新型 传感器,进一步加强了CPT 技术在工程中的应用,也使 CPT向多功能方向发展。 国外对CPTU技术进行了系统的理论研 究,对于不排水的粘土和完全排水的砂 土,采用四种方法:承载力理论、孔穴 扩张理论、稳态变形理论和有限元等数 值分析以 …
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