9-24-96 cr3246 rev. n 31 jan 19 form no. 1141-05-010, rev. j, date: 11 mar 15, dcr# 15-0207 notes: ① head markings and lock collar visible after installation. ② silver colored driving anvil …
Type B - 5056 Aluminum Alloy Sleeve-Alloy Steel Stem CR3246 Type M - Monel Sleeve-CRES Stem CR3556 . PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION NUMBER: PS-CMR-3000 Rev. U Date: …
CherryMAX® CR3246-5-04 120° Flush Head Oversize Blind Rivet
Cherry Aerospace CR3246-5-04 CherryMAX 120° Flush Head Blind Rivet - Visit and view our entire section at SkyGeek!
CR3246-4-02, Cherrymax Rivets - 1 pack = 100 pieces - Monroe …
Cherrymax Rivet - Diameter: 1/8", Grip Range: 0.063" - 0.125", 120°, Flush Head, Oversized Diameter, 5056 Aluminum Sleeve, Steel Stem. N/A Due to the ongoing volatility in supply of …
CR3246-5-04 Rivet - Military Fasteners
If you require a quote on this or any product please visit our quote request page » Browse our frequently asked questions page. You may contact us by phone at +1 (904) 543-6395 or email …
CR3246-4-4: CHERRY® AEROSPACE CherryMAX® Blind Rivet, 1/8 …
Shop Boeing for CR3246-4-4, CHERRY® AEROSPACE CherryMAX® Blind Rivet, 1/8 in, 1.47 in L, 0.272 in, 0.038 in. Boeing offers Aircraft Parts, Chemicals, Tools, and more.
CR3246-4-2: RIVET: BLIND,FLUSH HD,100PK, | Boeing Shop
Shop Boeing for CR3246-4-2, RIVET: BLIND,FLUSH HD,100PK,. Boeing offers Aircraft Parts, Chemicals, Tools, and more.
CR3246-4-02 Rivet - diameter 1/8 - Military Fasteners
diameter: 1/8", grip range: 0.063" - 0.125", flush head, oversized diameter, aluminum sleeve, steel stem, CR3246 series rivet
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CR3246-5-4 Rivet - Military Fasteners
CR3246-5-4 Blind Rivet * Manufacturer certifications are shipped with your order FREE of charge Add to Cart Up to qty 200 ships same day if ordered before 4pm EST