Cray XD1 - Wikipedia
The Cray XD1 was an entry-level supercomputer range, made by Cray Inc. The XD1 uses AMD Opteron 64-bit CPUs, and utilizes the Direct Connect Architecture over HyperTransport to remove the bottleneck at the PCI and contention at the memory. The MPI latency is ¼ that of Infiniband, and 1/30 that of Gigabit Ethernet.
Cray XD1 - Wikipedia
Cray XD1 は、 クレイ 社製のエントリーレベルの スーパーコンピュータ の製品群である。 XD1はAMD Opteron 64ビット CPU を使用し、 PCI と コンテンション (英語版) メモリー での ボトルネック を除去するために HyperTransport の ダイレクト コネクト アーキテクチャ を採用する。 MPI による 遅延時間 は InfiniBand の¼で ギガビット・イーサネット の1/30である。 XD1は元はカナダの バンクーバー のOctigaBayシステムズ社によってOctigaBay 12Kとして …
Cray XD1 - Ohio Supercomputer Center
Cray XD1 The OSC-Springfield offices would officially open in April 2004. Over the next several months, OSC engineers would install the 16-MSP Cray X1 system, the Cray XD1 system and the 33-node Apple Xserve G5 Cluster at Springfield office.
study wideband acoustic radiation and scattering from submerged elastic structures. With 150 FPGAs, NRL’s XD1 is the largest reconfigurable Cray supercomputer. We have started to explore the application of FPGA to accelerate scientific codes. First applications are from users who already had VHDL codes running on a local system with a single FPGA.
4 times lower latency than Myrinet (small message). The Cray XD1 has sent 1 KB before others have sent a single byte. Dedicated management processors, real-time OS and communications fabric. Proactive background diagnostics with self-healing.
Early Experiences on the NRL Cray XD1 - IEEE Xplore
2006年6月29日 · In order to provide the high performance computing resources to support that work NRL has recently obtained a three cabinet XD1 with 432 Opteron 275 dual core CPUs, 144 Vertex II FPGAs, and 6 Virtex 4 FPGAs. This paper will examine the applicability of the XD1 to these scientific problems
XD1 Direct Connected Processor Archi- tecture. Image courtesy of Cray …
Cray's implementation of the DCP architecture optimizes message-passing applications by directly linking processors to each other through a high performance interconnect fabric, eliminating...
The Cray Inc. XD1.
The Cray XD1 is a product that was originally developed by Octigabay until this company was taken over by Cray. A distinctive factor in the Octigabay systems was the possibility to add FPGAs (see Glossary ) to the compute boards of the systems to accelerate algorithms that are of special interest to the user, like massive FFTs or DNA sequence ...
Cray XD1 - Semantic Scholar
The Cray XD1 was an entry-level supercomputer range, made by Cray Inc. The XD1 uses AMD Opteron 64-bit CPUs, and utilizes the Direct Connect Architecture over HyperTransport to remove the bottleneck at the PCI and contention at the memory. The MPI latency is ¼ that of Infiniband, and 1/30 that of Gigabit Ethernet.
Cray XD1 Now Available - Slashdot
2004年10月5日 · The Cray XD1 compute subsystem is composed of 12 AMD Opteron(TM) 64-bit processors that run Linux and are organized as six 2-way SMPs to deliver 58 GFLOPs* per chassis. Finely tuned memory and I/O performance removes bottlenecks and maximizes processor performance.