Cresht - Official Arena of Valor Wiki
Cresht, The Mermidon, is one of the Arena of Valor heroes, classified as a tank and a support. Mostly played at the support role, he has exceptional tankiness and high burst damage. His ultimate Metamorphosis is a game-changing engager. With his gigantic health pool and mobility with his Aquatic...
Aov Cresht build 2025: Items, Arcana and Rune - Zathong
Cresht transforms into his actual form, expanding in size and acquiring an absorption shield as he consumes all available Rage. Then he conjures a huge tidal wave that deals 400/500/600 (+1.0 AD) physical damage while stunning foes at the end of the wave and pushing them aside.
Arena of Valor (AoV) - Cresht Hero Guide - Samurai Gamers
2018年8月29日 · Cresht is a tank / support hero that can withstand a heavy beating and, at the same, provide shields to all his allies. He is great at peeling away enemies with Typhoon and setting up kills for his allies. Cresht can then use Metamorphosis to become a terrifying force, providing crowd control and bonus movement speed to his allies.
Support Counter Pick Guide : r/arenaofvalor - Reddit
2021年7月21日 · Cresht (Post buff) Counter picks: Annette, Maloch Cresht is getting a huge buff tomorrow that removes the rage requirement for his ult, this means he can use his ult much more consistently and he becomes one of the top supports since he can just dive in with ult & disrupt.
Cresht Hero Attributes, Stats & Abilities - SAMURAI GAMERS
2018年10月26日 · Guide for the hero Cresht, a character in Arena of Valor (AoV). Included are Cresht’s abilities, statistics, attributes, strengths, weaknesses, and more.
Cresht is so OP (and many played it wrong) : r/arenaofvalor - Reddit
2023年3月3日 · What Cresht players should do (and did wrong): Main S2, very important... DON'T just ult and run in. S2 your team as much as possible, use S1 to block their assassin that runs in (and they'll pretty much be at low HP/dead). maybe ult until when they still run in …
Cresht AOV S24 build guide : Arcana, Rune, Items and Counter
2021年3月11日 · Cresht Arcana, Rune, Item Builds Guide for Arena of Valor (AoV). Cresht is a Tank who ability able to shield and protect allies. We should use Arcana: Unique Passive – Burn: Deals magic damage equal to 2% of the hero’s max HP to nearby enemies every second (deals 50% more damage to minions and monsters).
Arena of Valor (AoV) - Cresht Item Builds - Samurai Gamers
2019年2月11日 · Cresht Item Builds Guide for Arena of Valor (AoV). Each build is geared toward a different play style, so choose one that fits your personal preference.
Tank - Arena of Valor
Cresht consumes all Rage and morphs into his true form, growing in size and gaining an absorption shield. He then summons a massive tidal wave, pushing enemies aside and stunning the enemies at the end of the wave, also dealing 400 (+153) physical damage. Cresht gains movement speed while riding the wave, and loses speed once he leaves it.
2018年10月17日 · CRESHT AOV: SOULREAVER BUILDCresht is one of the best solo lane heroes in Arena of valor (ROV) right now. He can use his ultimate in almost every fight. That...