Crest Audio - Peavey Commercial Audio
Legendary for its powerful and reliable touring-class sound reinforcement products, Crest Audio is a global leader in designing and manufacturing power amplifiers for live, commercial and networked sound systems, and a complete line of mixing consoles for …
美国高峰音响公司Crest Audio INC.是由创始人chuck和成员Jean-Pierre Prideaux团队在1970年创立于美国加州,是世界优质的专业音响及周边设备制造商之一,至今有着50余年的辉煌历史!
Crest Audio - Wikipedia
Crest Audio, Inc. is an American company that produces professional sound equipment, including audio mixers, power amplifiers, and loudspeakers. Crest Audio was founded in the late 1970s by Jean-Pierre Prideaux in California.
CC™ 4000 - Peavey Commercial Audio
Crest Audio® CC™ Series amplifiers are designed to achieve unsurpassed sonic performance and long-term reliability under extreme stress in touring or fixed installation applications. Absolute sonic accuracy is the hallmark of every Crest amplifier. Bass is solid and defined to the limits of audibility with ample current reserves.
线阵系列-CREST AUDIO 运营中心
Crest Audio Professional CPL高性能线阵巡演安装系统,采用双钕磁单元设计,为现场扩声市场提供了无与伦比的品质和功率,具备更好的细节还原能力,采用了高峰公司最新的VTL_TIME SOUND控制技术,将系统设计提升到一个全新的水平,可以提供精准的声音扩散指向性 ...
美国Crest Audio(高峰)公司介绍-美国Crest Audio(高峰)厂商 …
Crest Audio 始建于1970年,作为一家优秀的专业设备和机架式功放的供应商,在音频扩声领域拥有功放鼻祖的美誉。 在其最初的产品P3500上面实现2U 2*475W的输出功率,在当年可谓直至神奇。
Crest Audio
Crest Audio. 专业功放. PRO系列专业功放; LA系列专业功放; GAF系列专业功放; 音频处理器. 电源时序器. 调音台. 无线话筒. 配件. 全网络化音频 + Audio over IP系列. 扬声器系列. 数字功率放大器. 商业广播系统 + 广播音响. 广播功放. 智能语音音箱; 无纸化智能会议系统 ...
Crest Audio PRO-LITE™系列功放具有先进的D类拓扑结构,使用开关电源,从而在减轻重量的同时增加可靠性、效率和输出功率。可选择在平行模式、立体声模式或者桥接模式下工作。
Crest Audio高峰音响_Crest Audio高峰价格_Crest Audio高峰官网_Crest Audio …
Crest Audio是来自美国的专业音响录音设备品牌。CrestAudio于1975年成立,专门为专业录音、巡回和固定的安装音响市场制造和销售功率放大器及全线的现场混音总台。
Crest Audio - Peavey Commercial Audio
Crest Audio Accessories (9) Crest Audio Loudspeakers (22) Crest Audio Mixers (5) Crest Audio Power Amplifiers (14) Peavey Electronics Corporation North and South America (AMER) 5022 Hartley Peavey Drive Meridian, MS 39305 US Phone: (866) …