staff 和 crew 的区别 - 百度知道
2011年5月2日 · staff 和 crew在意义、词性上有区别: 一、意义不同。 staff有职员、参谋的意思,表示单个职员,其复数形式为staffs。crew为队、组、全体人员的意思,本身表示多个职员。 二、词性上的不同。 staff可作为名词、形容词、动词使用。
Crew, faculty, staff, and personnel你懂了吗? - 简书
2020年4月11日 · Crew, faculty, staff, and personnel你懂了吗? 更多单词辨析,关注微信公众号: 英专狗的日常. 1. crew: “all the people who work on a ship or plane”(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员. The plane crashed, killing two of the crew and four passengers. 飞机失事,其中两名乘务人员和四名乘客 ...
辨析:officer,official,personnel,membe,crew,staff,employee ... - 豆瓣
2010年12月2日 · crew:A group of people working together staff:A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority,直译为工作人员,制作人员,且是个统称,一般用复数形式staffs。
"personnel " 和 "staff" 和 "crew" 和 "team" 的差別在哪裡?
Staff is for any job. Crew is more for production work like movies or construction. Team is for sports but also used in the work place for a group of people on staff, like the sales team, the marketing team. Personnel is a more formal term for staff.
crew和staff的区别? - 百度知道
2007年1月31日 · crew和staff的区别?* crew指全体船员和乘务员,或一起工作的人。We need more the crew of lifeboat.我们需要更多救生艇的船员。We are a happy crew in our office.我们办公室的一伙人相处得很愉快。* staff 公司
What is the difference between staff and crew? - WikiDiff
As nouns the difference between staff and crew is that staff is a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking while crew is a group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, or airplane.
"personnel " 和 "staff" 和 "crew" 和 "team" 和有什么不一样?
Staff is for any job. Crew is more for production work like movies or construction. Team is for sports but also used in the work place for a group of people on staff, like the sales team, the marketing team. Personnel is a more formal term for staff.
Crew vs. Staff — What’s the Difference?
2023年11月3日 · Crew refers to a group working together on a ship, aircraft, or train, while staff denotes all employees of an organization or business.
"crews" 和 "staff " 和 "personal " 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
Staff is generally a term for one or all of your employees. A crew is a team of employees. Personnel would usually be a group of employees with authority or an official status (maybe a group of uniformed employees or employees with certain security clearance).
What is the difference between crew and staff? - redkiwiapp.com
Crew and staff both refer to a group of people working together towards a common goal. However, crew is typically used in industries related to transportation, construction, and entertainment, while staff is more commonly used in office, education, and healthcare industries.