Cricket - Fallout Wiki
Cricket is a roving weapons dealer, based out of Bunker Hill. She appears to be a rather heavy chem addict, suggested by her gaunt appearance and wavering tone of voice. The wares of her caravan include a well-chosen selection of melee weapons and firearms, including the legendary weapon Spray n' Pray .
Cricket is dead? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam Community
2020年6月15日 · So I started this new Vanilla run in order to get all the unique weapons in the game. I cant find Cricket so I asume that she is dead. I just sit for 1 hour at Vault 81 until she appears, but only her Brahmin Spot appears without guards or her. Im very sick with this, since I hadnt the chance to even talk to her. I wanted his Spray n' Pray weapon.
Cricket - Fallout 4 Wiki
2024年5月14日 · View everything about Cricket and their interactions, Locations, and their inventory. Where to find Cricket in Fallout 4. Cricket can initially be found at Bunker Hill. Fallout 4 Merchant Cricket Shop Inventory. Cricket's shop inventory is generated randomly and rotates it's available items with a certain frequency. Cricket sells Weapons, Ammo ...
Any way to find Cricket, other than randomly? : r/fo4 - Reddit
2021年7月14日 · do both bunker hill quests and build a caravan station at your base. 1/5 chance everyday that cricket will show up. That's how I did at least. For the rest she can be found at vault 81, in front of diamond city and bunker hill
Where Is Cricket? All Spawn Locations In Fallout 4 - RespawnFirst
2024年6月6日 · Cricket is a roaming merchant in Fallout 4 known for selling a variety of weapons and ammunition, including one of the legendary weapons, Spray n’ Pray. Cricket travels between several locations in the Commonwealth. Here are the …
Where to find Cricket the traveling merchant? : r/Fallout - Reddit
2015年11月13日 · Where to find Cricket the traveling merchant? anyone know where a good spot to search for her is, or a good strategy to find her? Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Still trying to find this woman after my girlfriend came across her on the road on her game... I need the spray n pray. EDIT: Well, lucky me!
Crickets Gone Missing :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam Community
2019年7月13日 · Best advice is to hang out at Vault 81 and sit/rest/sleep (they have all options at the camp) for an hour at a time until she shows up. well i found them outside GNN/Gunner Plaza without Cricket, then again in Scantuaray Hill, again, no cricket. If she died then her brahmin and guards would not be roaming around.
I can't find cricket at all : r/fo4 - Reddit
For example, if you are for the first time at/close to Hangman's Alley, the mod should pick up Cricket who is usually at Vault 81 or at the gate of Diamond City, the first time you are close to DC. After that you can track Cricket at all times. Same for the other caravans, first be close to them once, then track them forever.
Cave cricket (Nuka-World) | Fallout Wiki | Fandom
Cave crickets are creatures found in the Nuka-World amusement park in the 2287. Mutated insects that appear much larger than their pre-War counterparts, cave crickets are about the size of a large dog and use their powerful back legs to hop great distances.
Cricket - The Fallout Wiki
Cricket is a roving weapons merchant based out of Bunker Hill, who provide her with guns to sell. She sells anything that can "chamber, cock, and spit out lead," as well as "slashers and clobberers." She has a deep love for guns, stating that "hot death flying faster than the speed of sound" makes her weak to the knees.