Coprophagia - Wikipedia
Coprophagy refers to many kinds of feces-eating, including eating feces of other species (heterospecifics), of other individuals (allocoprophagy), or one's own (autocoprophagy). Feces may be already deposited or taken directly from the anus. [2]
The Pathophysiology and Management of Coprophagia: A Report …
Coprophagia is a rare and distressing disorder characterized by symptoms of compulsive consumption of feces. Several attempts have been made in literature to explore the pathophysiology, management, and outcomes of this disorder.
Coprofagia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Un animal coprófago es aquel que se alimenta exclusiva o mayoritariamente de excrementos de otros animales y normalmente no puede subsistir utilizando otra fuente de alimento. Es un régimen alimentario casi exclusivo de los insectos, en especial de larvas de dípteros y de coleópteros escarabeoideos.
Coprophagia, the ingestion of fecal matter, occurs among some individuals with developmental disabilities and is associated with a variety of health risks (e.g., diarrhea, intestinal parasites, blood-borne pathogens; Parry-Jones & Parry-Jones, 1992).
The Pathophysiology and Management of ... - Wiley Online Library
2018年11月15日 · Coprophagia is a rare and distressing disorder characterized by symptoms of compulsive consumption of feces. Several attempts have been made in literature to explore the pathophysiology, management, and outcomes of this disorder.
Coprophagy - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Coprophagy (from the Greek “to eat dung”) is a behavior where an animal reingests its own excreted feces and it has been observed in the rabbit, rat, mouse, hamster, guinea pig, and chinchilla. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic.
The Pathophysiology and Management of Coprophagia: A …
2018年11月15日 · Coprophagia is a rare and distressing disorder characterized by symptoms of compulsive consumption of feces. Several attempts have been made in literature to explore the pathophysiology, management, and outcomes of this disorder.
Dog Behavior Problems - Coprophagia | VCA Animal Hospitals
Coprophagia is a common problem in some puppies, which usually clears up by adulthood with good nutrition and proper direction and supervision. There have been many explanations suggested for this behavior.
Coprofagia, organismos coprófagos, importancia y ejemplos
2019年12月23日 · Por lo tanto, la coprofagia se define como la acción o práctica de nutrirse de lo que otros organismos expulsan, los excrementos, las cuales se caracterizan por la abundante cantidad de materia orgánica que poseen, y que además constituye un microhábitat para múltiples especies.
Coprofagia en humanos | Salud
2025年1月23日 · ¿Qué es la coprofagia? La coprofagia es un trastorno raro que consiste en comer heces. Suelen padecer personas a las que se les diagnostica trastornos mentales gravesal mismo tiempo, como esquizofrenia, depresión o bebida (antojos de objetos y …