The only online resource for the CRQ section of the FINAL FRCA exam. Practice CRQs based on previous exams, making it at time efficient resource for your final exam. Plus it is FREE!
All CRQs - FRCA Revision
Below are all the CRQs written by us in alphabetical order for you to practice Acute coronary syndromeDownload Acute pancreatitisDownload Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)Download Acute spinal cord injuryDownload Adverse airway eventsDownload AnaphylaxisDownload Aortic dissectionDownload Aortic stenosisDownload ApnoeaDownload Autistic spectrum disorderDownload Awake fibreoptic ...
Final FRCA - FRCA Revision
Welcome to the Final FRCA resource pages, below are the current CRQs written by us for you to practice. Below are a list of CRQs currently being written / edited and will appear on the site soon:
Final FRCA Written examination resources | The Royal College …
The Guide to the Final FRCA contains examples of Multiple True/False questions (MTF), Single Best Answer (SBA) questions and Constructed Response Questions (CRQ). Addendum: 1.
CRQs for the Final FRCA - Cambridge University Press
CRQs for the Final FRCA is the first book of its kind and an invaluable resource for any candidate preparing to pass the written aspect of the Final FRCA. It has been specifically designed to reflect the new written examination format, providing ten complete CRQ examination papers and answer templates, with additional tips and references to aid ...
Cardiothoracic CRQs - FRCA Revision
Below are all the cardiothoracic CRQs grouped together: Acute coronary syndromeDownload Aortic dissectionDownload Aortic stenosisDownload Cardiac tamponadeDownload CardiomyopathyDownload CardioplegiaDownload Cardiopulmonary bypassDownload Coronary stents and pacemakers (March 2020 Exam)Download Descending thoracic aortic aneurysmsDownload Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomyDownload Heart ...
CRQs for the Final FRCA - Perlego
CRQs for the Final FRCA is the first book of its kind and an invaluable resource for any candidate preparing to pass the written aspect of the Final FRCA. It has been specifically designed to reflect the new written examination format, providing ten complete CRQ examination papers and answer templates, with additional tips and references to aid ...
Paediatrics | FRCA CRQ
An 8 year old child is scheduled for an elecctive right femoral osteotomy due to impending dislocation of the hip. She has severe cerebral palsy. a) Describe cerebral palsy (3 marks) There are many clinical features of severe cerebral palsy …
The WRITE course - Final SBA/CRQ - Sussex FRCA
The Write Course is an holistic course aimed at anaesthetists preparing for the Final FRCA Written exams. The faculty range from having over 10 years experience in delivering Final FRCA teaching, to more recent graduates, all sharing an infectious enthusiasm for the material.
FRCA Notes
The Mac Daddy of anaesthetic complications, MH was the subject of a CRQ in September 2019 (80% pass rate) with the FRCA examiners 'reassured' by the detailed answers given. MH is an anaesthetic emergency, and I would seek senior anaesthetic support as well as making a rapid but thorough assessment of the patient.
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