Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire | RehabMeasures …
2012年8月1日 · It was developed to measure the impact of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) on a person’s life. Instrument Details. License agreement is required. Information can be found on the American Thoracic Society Website. Consists of 20 items across four dimensions: dyspnea, fatigue, emotional function, and mastery.
Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire-CRQ - American …
Scoring. Total score and subscores on categories; higher scores indicate better health-related quality of life. Reliability
Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire - Self Reported (CRQ-SR)
Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire - Self Reported (CRQ-SR) This questionnaire has been developed for use as a measure of quality of life for people with chronic lung disease. The CRQ-SR is designed to be completed by the patient, with …
Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire - an overview - ScienceDirect
This questionnaire is formed by 2 parts: The first part is a symptoms score that assesses the patient’s perception of the frequency and severity of his or her respiratory symptoms. The second part is an activity score, which assesses the degree of impairment of daily physical activities by a respiratory disease, and an effect score, which ...
Development of a self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ ...
The CRQ-SR is a reproducible, reliable, and stable measure of health status. It compares well with the CRQ-IL but cannot be used interchangeably. The main advantage of the CRQ-SR over the CRQ-IL is that is quick to administer, reducing assessment time and hence cost.
Development of a self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ ...
The self-reported CRQ (CRQ-SR) was developed in conjunction with the original author (GG). The basic structure, content, and scoring of the CRQ-SR is exactly the same as the CRQ-IL. For the dimensions of fatigue, emotional function, and mastery the wording of the questions and answers has not been altered.
A Comparison of the Original Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire With …
2002年12月17日 · The chronic respiratory questionnaire (CRQ), a widely used measure of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with chronic airflow limitation, includes an individualized dyspnea domain (patients identify five important activities, and report the degree of dyspnea on a …
Reliability and validity of the chronic respiratory questionnaire (CRQ ...
CONCLUSIONS--Items of the dimensions fatigue, emotion, and mastery of the CRQ are reliable and valid and can be used to assess quality of life in patients with severe airways obstruction. Items of the dyspnoea dimension are less reliable and should not be included in the overall score of the CRQ in comparative research.
Assessing Quality of Life | Pulmonary Rehabilitation Toolkit
Due to their widespread and thorough validation, the following questionnaires are recommended: Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRDQ or CRQ) – disease specific. St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) – disease specific. Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (MOS SF 36) – generic.
Full article: Measurement Properties and Interpretability of the ...
2009年8月24日 · In summary, the MID for the CRQ is around 0.5 for the mean domain scores. Future studies should focus on the properties of the CRQ total score and the MID of the CRQ-SAS. Additional work is required about presentation of HRQL information and use of transition ratings (Table 6).