Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY)
CRY offers subsidised ECG and Echocardiogram screening to all young people between the ages of 14 & 35. There is a simple way to diagnose most cardiac abnormalities. This is by having an ECG (electrocardiogram) test.
CRY ECG Screening Clinics - Cardiac Risk in the Young
CRY holds ECG screening clinics for those aged 14 to 35 at a number of established locations around the UK including Belfast, Cardiff, Colchester, Liverpool and London (click here for clinic addresses). The CRY mobile screening unit facilitates various screening events at other locations in the UK – often organised by CRY supporters.
Contact Us - Cardiac Risk in the Young
Preventing young sudden cardiac deaths through awareness, screening and research, and supporting affected families. CRY Contact Details. Postal Address: Cardiac Risk in the Young. Unit 1140B The Axis Centre, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7RD. Telephone : 01737 363222 (Available 10am – 5pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays)
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Overview - Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) - NHS
Carer centres and services - Official information from NHS about Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) including contact, directions and service details
什么是CRS?披露什么信息? - 知乎专栏
CRS 【Common Reporting Standard】即“共同申报准则”或“统一报告标准”,是经济合作与发展组织「OECD」在 2014 年提出的,旨在通过加强全球税收合作,提高 税收透明度 ,打击利用 跨境金融账户 逃避税的行为,维护诚信的税收体制。
【37】linux kernel 对于PCIe CRS的处理 - CSDN博客
2023年1月20日 · 本文深入解析了PCI Express规范中的Configuration Retry Status(CRS)机制,阐述了其在设备未准备好响应配置请求时的作用。 文章详细解释了在CRS出现时,硬件与软件如何协调处理,特别是在CRS software visibility被启用的情况下,Linux内核如何通过重试机制确保正确读取设备的Vendor ID。 CRS全称是configuration retry status,单纯从名称上看应该是和配置访问有一定的关系,感觉又是在retry。 那CRS到底是用来做什么的? 其实很简单,当 pcie 设备 …
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CRS 共同申报准则科普 - 全球已签署/未签署 CRS 协议国家详细列表
2024年10月18日 · CRS (Common Reporting Standard) 是由经济合作与发展组织(OECD)于 2014 年制定的全球性金融账户信息自动交换标准。其主要目的是通过促进各国之间的税务透明度,打击跨国逃税行为。