What is the geologic origin of Cryolite, and could there be more?
Cryolite occurs in syenite vein deposits (igneous rock which is quartz deficient) which had abundant amounts of fluorine. There are 13 other known mineral specimens that contain primarily: Na, Al, F. Cryolite is the most common mineral, due entirely to the Ivigtut deposit.
Is there a list of instances where mountains that have been mined …
2017年5月16日 · Cryolite was once present as a large deposit in Greenland, where it was mined as an aluminum ore and later for a flux in the electrowinning of aluminum from refined oxide ores. In 1987 this source became too depleted for commercial mining to continue, and while the mineral still technically exists in Greenland and elsewhere it is now considered ...
mineralogy - What determines the color of light emitted by ...
2024年6月16日 · The light emitted by a mineral due to thermoluminescence is caused by electrons shedding extra energy obtained during radiation exposure; this can be in the form of heat, light, or ionising radiation.
Feldspar content of coarse-grained igneous rocks
2021年3月8日 · From the chart, I would say that plagioclase feldspar is more abundant in coarse-grained igneous rocks than alkali feldspar, as it is found in all three listed, whereas alkali feldspar is only pres...
What useful information could an ancient "mining compass" yield?
2024年5月3日 · Geologists still use geological compasses in both open pit and underground mining. to measure orientation of geological structures, as they map in the field, to analyze and document the geometry of bedding planes, joints, and/or metamorphic foliations and lineations.
geology - Did we find cinnabarit? - Earth Science Stack Exchange
2016年8月24日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
mineralogy - What disciplines of science are used in the locating …
2018年2月1日 · The locating and extraction of mineral resources is essentially a three step process - find, extract and process.
Why does mineral oil occur below natural gas?
2018年1月8日 · it is all about the density.gass have a lower density than oil and oil have a lower density than water. oil will float on water and gass will float on oil.
geophysics - Airborne geophysical survey in steep and undulating ...
2022年5月21日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Ore Deposit Determination - Earth Science Stack Exchange
2019年11月9日 · The initial stage of mineral exploration involves finding a site to investigate. In some situations this may result from the discovery of a surface outcrop of mineralization, which is the exposure of a mineral deposit.