2009年6月21日 · MMX指令支持,启用会提升FPS r_mmx 1/0 游戏杆,禁用它会得到更多内存和FPS joystick 0/1
《反恐精英》CS 1.6 终极优化指南(译自Sogamed)【cs吧】_百 …
要察看FPS,输入cl_showfps 1,屏幕左上方将会有FPS显示。 Net_graph 1-3也是显示fps的命令,但是会影响性能。 *表示使用后会使质量严重降低,如果不愿让CS看起来“丑陋”就别用。
CS1.6 config for best FPS · GitHub
// -noforcemparms (if not used, windows will uncheck "enhanced pointer precision every time you load CS) // -freq X or possibly -refresh X (sets your refresh rate to X; command was brought back) // -stretchaspect removes blackbars so you can use a 4:3 aspect ratio resolution in widescreen
Steam Community :: Guide :: FPS cs 1.6
2018年5月1日 · To do so, simply type fps_max 99.5 in the configuration file or console. "- THIS OLD INDICATOR FOR STEAM! Now, fps_max, the maximum value is not limited to 100 frames per second. To use the value of more than fps_max 100+, rotate the first variable fps_override 1. It allows you to adjust the slow motion models, except for overvoltages.
[Counter-Strike 1.6]FPS Guide - Steam Community
2021年3月14日 · You're probably here to increase your FPS, you've come to the right place! In this guide I will present you some commands to increase your fps considerably. Also in this guide I will put some commands for sound, light and others that are useful to me.
CS1.6突破100帧方法:控制台命令与设置指南 - 百度贴吧
正版cs1.6 突破..fps_override 1fps_max 自己输入目标数值有165hz 200hz高刷新率显示器的同学们快去体验一下丝般顺滑的快感
你们玩CS1.6都是100FPS?有没有人试过超过100FPS的?【cs吧】_ …
今天我试了下解除FPS限制,在cstrike\config.cfg里面加了行参数developer 1 然后把fps_max"101"改成了fps_max"2000"然后再把config.cfg属性设置为只读。 进入游戏里的时候我的FRAPS软件显示游戏帧数是800多。
FPS Booster script By Ende'R [Counter-Strike 1.6] [Config Scripts]
A Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1.6) Config Script in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Absence
(EN) Tips And Tricks - How to increase your FPS in CS 1.6
2025年1月28日 · In Steam, right-click on Counter-Strike 1.6 → Properties → Set Launch Options. Combine commands based on your preferences. Adjust the values depending on how well your system can handle the performance. Play in OpenGL mode, as it generally provides the best FPS performance. This discussion is locked.
Ultimate Guide: How to Boost CS 1.6 FPS and Optimize Performance
2025年1月15日 · Enhancing the frames per second (FPS) in Counter-Strike 1.6 can significantly improve gameplay performance, leading to smoother graphics and reduced lag. Achieving a higher FPS can provide a competitive advantage, allowing players to react swiftly and precisely.