Play Counter-Strike 2 - Steam
For over two decades, Counter-Strike has offered an elite competitive experience, one shaped by millions of players from across the globe. And now the next chapter in the CS story is about to begin. This is Counter-Strike 2.
Counter-Strike 2 - The Next Era of Counter-Strike - Steam News
Counter-Strike 2 is the largest technical leap forward in Counter-Strike’s history, ensuring new features and updates for years to come. All of the game’s new features will be revealed when it officially launches this summer, but the road to Counter-Strike 2 will begin later today with a Limited Test for select CS:GO players. During this testing period, we’ll be evaluating a subset …
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 2/6/2024 - Steam News
[ ARMS RACE ] Added Arms Race to available game modes Added maps "Baggage" and "Shoots" [ WEAPON FINISHES ] Introducing the Kilowatt Case, featuring 17 community-designed weapon finishes, and the Kukri Knife with original finishes as a rare special item Various bug fixes and tweaks [ STICKERS ] The Ambush Sticker Capsule is now …
Counter-Strike 2 - Patch Notes - Steam News
Today’s update includes a revamped buy menu, a simple way to customize (and share) your crosshair, and an all new way to personalize your favorite agents! Introducing Patches Looking for a way to personalize your agent? Patches featuring a variety of classic designs can now be applied to specific locations on each character model, and you can apply more than one for …
Counter-Strike 2 - 《反恐精英》更新 - Steam 新闻
[地图] 炼狱小镇 调整了阳台下楼梯的碰撞 [杂项] 修复了旧版 SSG08 模型中的偏移。 修复了旧版双持贝瑞塔模型上印花蒙版。 修复了旧版双持贝瑞塔弹匣模型上印花蒙版。 修复了手雷与布娃娃系统交互的回归。 修复了+attack2和+lookatweapon指令进行组合绑定时可能导致消音武器进入不一致消音状态的错误。
Counter-Strike 2 - Steam News Hub
Updates, events, and news from the developers of Counter-Strike 2.
Counter-Strike 2 - Welcome Home - Steam News
Counter-Strike 2 is here. Come take a look around. Counter-Strike 2 is the largest technical leap forward in Counter-Strike's history, supporting new features today and updates for years to come. If you're a returning player you'll find your favorite maps and matchmaking modes right where you left them, along with a revamped Premier mode where you can establish your all-new CS Rating.
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 7/22/2024 - Steam News
[ MAPS ] Dust II Modified crate stack outside CT spawn towards bombsite A. Nuke Clipping adjustments. Assembly Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes). Memento Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes). [ MISC ] Added official game servers in London. Reduced fire effects penetration through thin …
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 4/30/2024 - Steam News
[ MISC ] Grenade kills no longer display the "in-air" killfeed icon. Fixed several cases where clicking on the buy menu or scoreboard would cause the game to stop taking keyboard input. Fixed too many usercommands being processed when skipping forward in demos. This reduces the skip time by as much as 80%. Added console output that may be helpful for …
Counter-Strike 2 - Centro de noticias de Steam
Actualizaciones, eventos y noticias de los desarrolladores de Counter-Strike 2.