International Student Identity Card
The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted student identity card which provides student status verification, thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student community.
Which card is right for you? - ISIC
The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted student identity card which provides student status verification, thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student community. If you’re a full-time student at school, college or university you can apply for the ISIC student card.
Get your card - ISIC
Find out where to get the ISIC card by selecting your place of residence or study. © 2022 ISIC Association. All rights reserved.
International Student Identity Card - Wikipedia
The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) serves as internationally recognized proof of student status and offers access to various benefits and discounts globally, including travel, accommodation, and cultural institutions.
ISIC:Global ID Card|Prepaid|150,000+ Benefits|125+ Countries
Unlock power of student identity with ISIC, endorsed by UNESCO. Get bonafide proof, prepaid card, & 150,000+ benefits worldwide. Get ISIC for just INR 1,180/-*
中国船舶重工集团公司(简称中船重工,CSIC)成立于1999年7月1日,是在原中国船舶工业总公司所属部分企事业单位基础上组建的特大型国有企业,是国家授权投资的机构和资产经营主体,由中央管理。 中船重工是中国最大的造修船集团之一,拥有46个工业企业、28个科研院所,员工14万人,总资产1,900亿元。 其中包括国内外著名的大连船舶重工集团有限公司、渤海船舶重工有限责任公司、武昌造船厂、山海关船舶重工有限责任公司、青岛北海船舶重工有限责任公司、 …
CSIC Alumni
Regístrate gratis para acceder a ofertas de formación y empleo, participar en actividades o comunicarte con otros miembros. Además de proponer y participar en actividades, como miembro de CSIC Alumni puedes colaborar de muchas formas diferentes. Groenlandia, el Ártico, el Cambio Global y la economía del siglo XXI. ¿Cómo enlaza todo?
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation - csic.com.cn
CSIC is China's leading group for naval ship design and research.It has over 30,000 highly qualified people working in more than 360 specific sectors.The group has advanced laboratories and is using the state-of-the-art CAD/CAM software for ship design and production.
Descuentos para estudiantes - ISIC - International Student Identity Card
Tarifas y descuentos exclusivos en planes de Internet y navegación para estudiantes. ¿Eres profesor (a)? También puedes disfrutar de todas las ventajas del Carné ITIC. International TEACHER Identity Card.
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