Abstract: The dynamics of the QCD gauge sector give rise to non-perturbative phenomena that are crucial for the internal consistency of the theory; most notably, they account for the generation of a gluon mass through the action of the Schwinger mechanism, the taming of the Landau pole, the ensuing stabilization of the gauge coupling, and the in...
In this paper, we build upon previous approaches to ensure gauge invariance in cavity quantum electrodynamics and ap-ply them to the domain of waveguide QED. We propose that, for a dipole coupled to a waveguide, employing the dipole gauge is more suitable for matter truncation.
Non-Kähler mirror symmetry and higher gauge theory
CSIC About CSIC Organisation Corporate Information Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto Contractor Profile Gender Equality in Science Research Integrity and Ethics at the CSIC Data Protection Canal de denuncias ...
Gauge freedom, quantum measurements, and time-dependent interactions …
2021年4月28日 · These ultrastrong coupling regimes can give rise to new physical effects and applications, and they challenge our understanding of cavity QED; fundamental issues like the proper definition of subsystems, their quantum measurements, the structure of light-matter ground states, and the analysis of time-dependent interactions are subject to gauge a...
Elastic Gauge Fields in Weyl Semimetals | Phys. Rev. Lett.
2015年10月20日 · We derive the form of the elastic gauge fields in a tight-binding model hosting Weyl nodes and see that this vector electron-phonon coupling is chiral, providing an example of axial gauge fields in three dimensions.
The Standard Model (SM) is a gauge theory, based on the symmetry group SU(3)C ⊗SU(2)L ⊗U(1)Y, which describes strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions, via the exchange of the corresponding spin-1 gauge fields: eight massless gluons and one massless photon, respectively, for the strong and elec-
Luca Tagliacozzo - Google Académico - Google Scholar
Tenured scientist IFF CSIC - Citado por 5,849 - Theoretical Physics - Quantum many body systems - Statistical mechanics - Tensor Networks - Gauge theories
Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials in Graphene Bilayers
2012年5月23日 · We show that their single-particle physics, characterized by charge accumulation and recurrent formation of zero-energy bands as the pattern period increases, is governed by a non-Abelian gauge potential arising in the low-energy electronic theory due to the coupling between layers.
geneous cosmological models. The perturbative equations can be decoupled in terms of (gauge-invariant) master functions satisfying 1þ 1 wave equations. In this work, building on previous work on the structure of the space of master functions and equations, we study the reconstruction of the metric perturbations in terms of the master functions.
From physical symmetries to emergent gauge symmetries
Gauge symmetries indicate redundancies in the description of the relevant degrees of freedom of a given field theory and restrict the nature of observable quantities. One of the problems faced by emergent theories of relativistic fields is to understand how gauge symmetries can show up in systems that contain no trace of these symmetries at a ...
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