The new, enhanced On-Board 8F Cryopump improves tool availability – by cuting regeneration frequency significantly. It delivers beter vacuum recovery in processes such as aluminum, TiN, …
Edwards Brooks Cryogenics CTI Cryo-Torr 8/8F/10 高真空泵低温泵
Edwards Brooks CTI Cryo-Torr 8F 高真空低温泵. 6 英寸 ASA ANSI 入口,低温泵,1500 l/s 空气,4000 l/s 水蒸气。低温泵的工作原理是气体可以冷凝并保持在极低的蒸汽压力下,从而实现高 …
CTI Cryogenics on-board 8F Cryo PUMP P/N 8116141G001
这是CTI Cryogenics on-board 8F Cryo PUMP P/N 8116141G001的详细页面。 订货号:8116141G001,加工定制:否,货号:8116141G001,品牌:CTI,型号:8116141G001,别名: …
CTI-Cryogenics On-Board IS 8F - REBUILT - PTB Sales
Brooks CTI-Cryogenics On-Board IS 8F Vacuum Cryopump - REBUILT. The acquisition of CTI from Brooks includes cryo pump operations located in Chelmsford, USA and Monterrey, …
Cryo-Torr Cryopumps - Edwards Vacuum
Edwards CTI-Cryogenics Cryo-Torr Cryopumps set the benchmark. Providing low operating costs and fast, easy maintenance, these cryopumps deliver high reliability and bottom-line …
CTI-Cryogenics On-Board 8F Cryopump - cryosciences
Rebuilt and remanufactured Brooks CTI-Cryogenics On-Board cryopump. cryogenic vacuum pumps feature the Fast Regen™ capability which extends cryopump performance between …
Ideal Vacuum | Edwards CTI Cryo-Torr 8 High Vacuum Pump, 6 …
2025年1月26日 · This is the Cryo-Torr CTI 8 Pump, providing fast, clean pumping of all gases in the 10-3 to 10-9 Torr range. Standard applications include, Semiconductor, Aerospace & …
What are Section 8(f) Agreements? - Supplemental Conditions
2018年6月11日 · Section 8 (f) is said to have arisen to address the unique nature of the construction industry where the size of an employer’s workforce can fluctuate from project to …
20K that traps the common atmospheric gases. The underside of the cup is coated with activated carbon and provides pumping for li. hter gases such as hydrogen, helium and neon. All …
On-Board® IS 低温泵 - Edwards Vacuum
On-Board® IS XP 低温泵为 PVD 应用提供了更大的抽气容量,以实现出色的生产率,同时保持流程透明性。 此外,它还充分利用了 On-Board® IS 久经考验的能效、一致的性能和低拥有成 …