How to restart some progress which is stopped by "ctrl+z"?
2014年10月28日 · If you send a process to background usning ctrl-z it will pause itself. You can resume that using bg and it will stay running in background. If this is not what you want then stop postgres and start it again, I would use service postgres start and service postgres stop. If those ain't working try /etc/init.d/postgres stop and /etc/init.d ...
java - Ending a program with ctrl+Z - Stack Overflow
2015年4月30日 · Ctrl-Z is the DOS command code for end of input (the UNIX equivalent is Ctrl-D). All command line programs should support this because it allows you to pipe output from one as input to the other. Kudos to your teacher! When this key combo is pressed, Scanner.hasNextLine() will return false. Here's an example of a loop that reads line until you ...
character - How to send ctrl+z in C - Stack Overflow
2013年4月21日 · The control characters control-A through control-Z map to the character code for the (upper-case) letter minus 64, so control-A is code 1, while control-Z is 26. The character code 0, aka the null byte, is also encoded as control-@ (or ^@), so typing shift-control-2 on many keyboards (including, specifically, the one I'm typing on) will send a ...
How to go back (ctrl+z) in vi/vim - Stack Overflow
2012年9月15日 · Here is a trick though. You can map the Ctrl+Z keys. This can be achieved by editing the .vimrc file. Add the following lines in the '.vimrc` file. nnoremap <c-z> :u<CR> " Avoid using this** inoremap <c-z> <c-o>:u<CR> This may not the a preferred way, but can be used. ** Ctrl+Z is used in Linux to suspend the ongoing program/process.
Eclipse combination opposite to Ctr+Z - Stack Overflow
2012年7月16日 · I really need Eclipse combination opposite to Ctrl + Z. When we navigate back with Ctrl + Z sometimes we need to go further.
How to make text, number and date html input fields support …
2012年8月21日 · The text input field appears to support the Ctrl+Z (undo) fully. The number and date input field only supports it, if the value has been typed into the field in question. If, however, it was selected by means of the associated helper control (i.e. the range control for the number fields and the calendar control for the date fields), then Ctrl+Z ...
Capturing ctrl+z key combination in javascript - Stack Overflow
2013年4月15日 · @PaulJohnston Because a key code isn't the same as a character code. Character codes are for text (they differ depending on the encoding, but in a lot of cases 0-127 remain ASCII codes).
javascript - Preventing ctrl+z in browser - Stack Overflow
2015年8月22日 · Rather than a separate handler testing for ctrl usage, it'd be easier to test just within the "z" keydown handler for whether Ctrl (or Meta i.e. command, to be Mac-compatible as well) is being used. The event object has Boolean properties ctrlKey and metaKey for just such occasions. So your code would be:
Trigger Ctrl+z & Ctrl+y keypress on button click
2015年12月3日 · I have provided two separates button for Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y. I want the Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y functionality to be performed on the click of a button. To achieve this, I am trying to trigger Ctrl+z and Ctrl+y on button click but they are not getting triggered. The code I have written so far:
How to prevent user stopping script by CTRL + Z?
Even if you trap Ctrl+Z (which depends on your terminal settings - see stty(1)) then there are other ways the user can return to the command-line. The only 'real' way of preventing a return to the shell is to remove the shell process by using exec.