Ctrl + L not working (but Dynamic Lighting Is) - Roll20
For some reason the Ctrl + L function for the Dynamic lighting isn't working, and it hasn't worked for about 2 months now. It's made setting up maps a bit of a pain in the butt. Dynamic Lighting …
Community Forums: Ctrl+L for players - Roll20
The functionality of pressing ctrl+l just yesterday was able to be used by any player but as of today you have to be on as a GM to use the feature. I have players in my game that run two …
Ctrl+L/Cmd+L not working anymore for free accounts? - Roll20
2020年5月23日 · No, Ctrl-L has been a keyboard shortcut in Chrome and Firefox for years. This was recent change on Roll20's end where they stopped intercepting Ctrl-L unless the page …
CTRL + L not working (Worked about 2 weeks ago) Free Account
2023年6月30日 · Sarah R. Cohen said: Thank you, Andrew Searles! Just in case it helps your troubleshooting: For me as a Pro user (with Firefox 115.0 and Ventura 13.4.1), Ctrl-L (or Cmd …
Updated Dynamic Lighting. ctrl+L Issue - Roll20
2020年11月19日 · What ctrl+L does, is show the DM the combined vision of every single token that has vision on the map at the same time. What I want, is a mechanic that allows me to see …
Ctrl + L not working on Chrome - Roll20
2021年7月12日 · ctrl+L is a Chrome keyboard shortcut, and the Roll20 virtual tabletop lets that pass through to Chrome when no token is selected. 1 You must Login to your Roll20 Account …
Community Forums: Ctrl-L not working - Roll20
I've started a new game with the D&D 5e DotMM module and I can't get Ctrl-L to work. I've tried in both the new dynamic lighting and in the old version. Token vision is on with light …
CTRL + L showing all token vision - Roll20
Easily create characters, organize games, purchase content, find players, and customize your story for your group - all in your browser.
Ctrl + L not working (for players) - help? - Roll20
2021年6月16日 · Ctrl-L was never intended to exactly duplicate the player view. Places where it might say this (the wiki is community-maintained) are examples of either careless or …
Control L is not showing player view
I have dynamic lighting turned on and a light sources on the dynamic light layer. As a gm I should be able to place a token that has sight onto the board and push control +l to see from …