Constructed Travel | Defense Travel Management Office
Constructed Travel [TraX login required]: This 45-minute web-based training explains the correct way to submit a request, how to prepare a cost comparison using a Constructed Travel Worksheet, and how using constructed travel may affect trip allowances.
A CTW is not required if government transportation is authorized or directed. A CTW is required any time you use your Privately Owned Vehicle (POV). A POV is an automobile, motorcycle,...
Policy Update on Constructed Travel Worksheet and Mileage …
As of January 31, 2025, trips 400 miles or less one-way, a Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW) is no longer required. Until DTS is modified, travelers should attach a memo stating that the …
1. Travel itinerary for the standard transportation mode. 2. Constructed cost of the standard transportation mode: 3. Additional considerations (non-monetary):
A Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW) is used to determine whether to limit a traveler’s transportation reimbursement to the directed transportation cost if the...
DTS supports constructed travel by allowing you the opportunity to present your intention and cost for your preferred travel mode in the Expenses screen and the AO the means to compare the costs...
When triggered on an authorization, the DTS Constructed Travel pre-audit indicates that a constructed travel worksheet (CTW) may be required. A CTW is not required if your trip meets one of the following conditions: You will use the transportation mode the AO authorized or directed on every travel leg.
2015年2月27日 · Constructed Travel Worksheet - If Private Auto is listed as more advantageous to the government and authorized in your orders, then a constructed travel worksheet must be accomplished. Go to http://apps.fas.gsa.gov/citypairs/search to get the Commercial Air cost …
How To Access Dts Consctructed Travel Worksheet
2024年9月8日 · The Constructed Travel Worksheet (CTW) is a tool used to compare costs between travel modes in the Department of Defense (DOD). It can be found in DTS, where users can open it for authorization or voucher purposes. The CTW provides pre- and post-travel worksheets and their accompanying guides, as well as per diem rates for lodging and meal.
2017年2月17日 · You may need to complete a CTW to help your AO determine the best way for travel to be performed and decide whether to limit your transportation reimbursement to the constructed cost.