Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth | Gifted Education …
The Center for Talented Youth, a nonprofit academic center of Johns Hopkins University, delivers academic excellence and transformational experiences to advanced learners in grades 2-12. Founded in 1979, CTY fosters intellectual growth in exceptional students from all backgrounds and communities.
On-Campus Overview - Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY)
The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth is more than a summer camp: Our on-campus summer courses bring together advanced learners from around the world to explore the arts and sciences, bioethics, engineering, public health, and more.
Online Programs - Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY)
Learn anywhere, anytime with CTY’s online programs. Our vibrant and engaging virtual classrooms offer rigorous coursework for students in grades 2-12 in the comfort of your home—or wherever you want to learn!
©2000-2025 The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, Maryland. All rights reserved. Center for Talented Youth McAuley Hall 5801 Smith Ave. Suite 400 Baltimore ...
Discover CTY - Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth is a nonprofit center with more than 45 years of helping academically advanced 2-12 students thrive. CTY offers a wide range of rigorous and fun in-person and online experiences that allow advanced students to achieve their learning goals while fostering connections with others who share their love of ...
2025 Open Courses for CTY: Young Students Grades 2-6 Day Sites These locations, sessions, and courses have openings as of today. Please see catalogs for course descriptions and prerequisites.
夏校//美国四大天才营(一)-- JHU CTY暑期项目 - 知乎
Center For Talented Youth美国天才少年中心(简称:CTY)是由美国约翰霍普金斯大学于1979年设立的研究机构;它既是全美历史最悠久、最权威的天才教育研究机构之一,也是美国最负盛名的四大天才营之一。
美国天才夏令营:约翰霍普金斯大学CTY夏校详解 - 知乎
CTY夏校是 天才青年中心 (Center for Talented Youth,简称CTY)的一个核心项目,为有天赋的青少年提供高质量学术课程和领导力培训的暑期项目。 CTY夏校由 约翰·霍普金斯大学 于1979年设立,是 世界上第一个为有天赋的青少年设计的暑期项目 。
Johns Hopkins University - CTY
Here, you can go beyond what you learn at school (public, private, charter, online, or home school) with our exploratory and accelerated academic programs backed by Johns Hopkins research. Develop your unique talents and advance in subjects you love.
Center for Talented Youth - Wikipedia
The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a gifted education program for school-age children founded in 1979 by psychologist Julian Stanley at Johns Hopkins University. It was established as a research study into how academically advanced children learn and became the first program to identify academically talented students through ...