Oxidation Number question | Student Doctor Network
2011年6月18日 · So I'm going through a dumb phase right now and can't figure out the oxidation numbers for this reaction: Cu + 2AgNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag I know Cu has an oxidation number of 0 in the reactant and Ag has an oxidation number of 0 in the product. So what are the oxidation numbers of AgNO3 and...
2024-2025 Colorado | Page 12 | Student Doctor Network
2025年3月7日 · How many offers of admission does CU generally issue? Reactions: SauceLegend. S. SauceLegend Full Member ...
H2, Pt. vs. H2, Lindlar's Catalyst | Student Doctor Network
2008年7月24日 · Alkene -> H2/Pt -> alkane Alkyne + H2/Pt -> alkane now when you want to stop the Alkyne at the alkene stage you can use either lindlars catalyst (quinoline) or Na (or Li) in liquid ammonia
2024-2025 Virginia Commonwealth | Student Doctor Network
2024-2025 VCU Secondary Essay Prompts 1. Using specific examples, discuss how your mission and values align with those of VCU School of Medicine. (2000 characters) 2. How do you define “grit”, and how have you demonstrated this in the past? …
2024-2025 Colorado | Page 11 | Student Doctor Network
2025年2月15日 · Was the interview closed or open file for this school? And does anyone have advice on how to prep for the group + individual interviews? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
When to use which equation of Power (Circuits): P=I^2*R or …
2020年6月14日 · So I know there are several versions of the equation for Power in circuits, based on how you interconvert Ohm's law V=IR. I got the reference here: However I'm a bit confused about these 2 versions. In one, power is directly proportional to resistance, and …
Official C/O 2029 Dental School Compilation Thread
2024年4月26日 · Below are the links to all of the class of 2029 threads. If you're a current or incoming student at any of these schools, feel free to jump in! Alabama (UAB) University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry Arizona (ASDOH) Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (MWU AZ) Midwestern...
Columbia University Science Honors Program - Student Doctor …
2010年2月15日 · Columbia University Science Honors Program, or Columbia SHP, is a highly selective program for tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade high school students.
Dental School Sample Interview Questions & Answers
2014年12月21日 · Hey Friends, Congrats to everyone here whether you're applying this cycle or not, because we're all working towards an amazing profession :) For those of you applying this cycle, this is an exciting time! I wanted to share with you a list of sample answers to some of the most commonly asked...
PhD Clinical Psyc Interview Questions | Student Doctor Network
2017年1月16日 · Hi everyone, I would love any input on possible questions I may be asked during a PhD Clinical Psyc interview. Here is my list so far, and please let me know if I should be prepared for anything else: 1. Why do you want to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology? 2. Why our program? 3. Why should...