Interpretation of H2-TPR from Cu-CHA Using First-Principles ...
2024年3月8日 · Here, we analyze H 2 -TPR over Cu-CHA by density functional theory calculations, microkinetic modeling, and TPR measurements of samples pretreated to have a dominant Cu species. We find that H 2 can react with Cu ions in oxidation state +2, whereas adsorption on Cu ions in +1 is endothermic.
2023年12月6日 · Here, we analyze H2-TPR over Cu-CHA by density functional theory calculations, micro-kinetic modeling, and TPR measurements of samples pretreated to have a dominant Cu species. We find that H2 can react with Cu ions in oxidation state +2, whereas adsorption on Cu ions in +1 is endothermic.
Cu-Speciation in Dehydrated CHA Zeolites Studied by H2-TPR …
2023年6月28日 · H 2 -temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) and electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy are widely used to quantify two families of Cu-species in dehydrated Cu-CHA zeolites, namely, Z 2 Cu (Cu associated with two Al in the 6-ring) and ZCuOH (Cu associated with one Al).
Temperature-programmed reduction of model CuO, NiO and …
2020年12月5日 · Reduction of CuO, NiO and CuO–NiO oxides as model catalytic systems was studied by in situ XRD and TPR-H2. Reduction of CuO–NiO system was found to take place at notably lower temperatures than in the case of individual CuO and NiO.
<br>使用第一性原理计算解释 Cu-CHA 中的 H2-TPR,The ... - X-MOL
2024年3月8日 · 一个例子是铜菱沸石 (Cu-CHA)的H 2程序升温还原 (H 2 -TPR),其是一种用于氨辅助选择性催化还原NO x (NH 3 -SCR)的材料。 Cu-CHA 的 TPR 谱通常由三个主峰组成。 220 °C 处的峰通常归属于 ZCuOH,而 360 和 500 °C 处的峰通常归属于 Z 2 Cu,其中 Z 代表 Al 位点。 在这里,我们通过密度泛函理论计算、微动力学建模和对经过预处理以具有主要 Cu 物种的样品进行 TPR 测量来分析 Cu-CHA 上的 H 2 -TPR。 我们发现H 2可以与+2氧化态的Cu离子反应, …
(三)分子筛H2-TPR图怎么看 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
什么是h2-tpr? TPR是程序升温还原。 指在程序升温(按照特定程序进行升温操作)过程中,使催化剂被H2还原的过程,从流出气体中测量还原 气体浓度 而判断其还原效果。
H 2-TPR profiles of pure CuO catalysts. - ResearchGate
Definitive assignment of Cu species from H 2 -TPR is complex due to their sensitivity to oxidation state, particle size and heating rate, [53] however the (similar) reduction profiles of...
Quantitative control and identification of copper species in Cu…
2018年11月30日 · The present work aimed to use UV–vis spectroscopy to identify the correlations between H 2-TPR peaks and different Cu species in Cu–SAPO-34, as well as the distinction of Cu species with the different Cu loading
CuO单质H2-TPR的峰只能有一个吗? - 小木虫论坛
如果你是做纯CuO的TPR,可以肯定的告诉你,只有一个峰,而且峰很窄,对应的是Cu(II)——Cu(0)。 如果你做的是将CuO负载到一些载体上,情况就比较复杂了,一般会有两个峰,但是两个峰的归属问题目前尚有争论,有的说是Cu(II)——Cu(I)和Cu(II)——Cu(0),有的说是不同配位环境的Cu(II)——Cu(0),还有别的说法,看看JC和JPCB上的文献都有这些争论, 看到有些文献上写的单质CuO的H2-TPR的峰只能有一 …
CuY催化剂的H2-TPR谱图分析 - 催化 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
我是用y分子筛与铜离子交换的含二价铜的cuy,然后高温焙烧后二价铜自还原成一价铜。所以h2-tpr谱图有低温二价铜峰和高温一价铜峰 ,