Molecular orbital theory for metal-ammine complexes. I. [Cu(NH3)6…
The electronic spectra and g-factors of tetragonal [Cu (NH 3) 6] 2+, square planar [Cu (NH 3) 4] 2+, and octahedral [Ni (NH 3) 6] 2+ are fitted by using the semi-empirical (SCCC) method. Both hybridized and unhybridized ligand orbitals were tried.
17.4: The Formation of Complex Ions - Chemistry LibreTexts
2023年4月12日 · An aqueous solution of CuSO 4 consists of hydrated Cu 2 + ions in the form of pale blue [Cu(H 2 O) 6] 2+ (left). The addition of aqueous ammonia to the solution results in the formation of the intensely blue-violet [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 (H 2 O) 2 ] 2+ ions, usually written as [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ] 2+ ion (right) because ammonia, a stronger base than H 2 O ...
铜氨离子[Cu(NH₃)₄]²⁺长啥样?Cu²⁺是什么杂化?教材错了吗? - 知乎
2023年3月14日 · 首先, [Cu (NH₃)₄]²⁺其实不只是四配位体,而是六配位,化学式是 [Cu (NH₃)₄ (H₂O)₂]²⁺。 Cu²⁺的3d有5个简并轨道,能量相同,其中dz²和dx²-y²与配位体直接接触,由于电子斥力导致能量偏高,这样子d轨道分为两组,一组是较低能量的dxy、dxz、dyz,一组是dz²和dx²-y²。 其中有一个d轨道里是单电子,其余的是成对电子,破坏了其简并性:纵向的dz²轨道有2个电子,x-y轴平面的dx²-y²轨道有1个电子。 整个dz²轨道因为屏蔽作用较大,导致配位体H₂O分子(O原 …
为什么四氨合铜离子上明明带有水,却不写出来? - 知乎
四氨合铜配离子,一般写作 [cu(nh_3)_4]^{2+} ,实际上应该是六配位的——其中两个水,四个氨,所以应该是 [cu(nh_3)_4(h_2o)_2]^{2+} 。 但是,由于姜泰勒(Jahn-Teller)效应的缘故,原本的八面体结构发生严重畸变——其中的两个水的配位键被急剧拉长 [1] ,从而使得很 ...
8.1: Metals Complexation in Aqueous Solution
2020年10月13日 · Complexes such as Cu(NH 3) 6 2+ have been known and studied since the mid-nineteenth century, and their structures had been mostly worked out by 1900. Although the hybrid orbital model was able to explain how neutral molecules such as water or ammonia could bond to a transition metal ion, it failed to explain many of the special properties of ...
24.7: Color and the Colors of Complexes - Chemistry LibreTexts
2023年7月12日 · The wavelength (energy) of the light absorbed corresponds to the visible part of the spectrum, and Cu 2+ complexes are almost always colored—blue, blue-green violet, or yellow (Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\)). Although CFT successfully describes many properties of coordination complexes, molecular orbital explanations (beyond the introductory scope ...
为什么[Cu(NH3)6]+ 的配位数是2? - 百度知道
常见络合物 - 百度知道
络合物通常指含有络离子的化合物,例如络盐 [Ag (NH3)2]Cl、络酸H2 [PtCl6]、络碱 [Cu (NH3)4] (OH)2等;也指不带电荷的络合分子,例如 [Fe (SCN)3]、 [Co (NH3)3Cl3]等。 配合物又称络合物。 (1)络合物的形成体,常见的是过渡元素的阳离子,如Fe3+、Fe2+、Cu2+、Ag+、Pt2+等。 (2)配位体可以是分子,如NH3、H2O等,也可以是阴离子,如CN-、SCN-、F-、Cl-等。 (3)配位数是直接同中心离子 (或原子)络合的配位体的数目,最常见的配位数是6和4。 络离子是由中心 …
For the complexion [Cu(NH3)6]2+,the coordinat ion geometry
The [Cu(NH3)6]2 complex ion is a coordination compound that has a copper ion at the center and six ammonia molecules surrounding it. The coordination geometry of this complex ion can be determined by examining the arrangement of the ligands around the central copper ion.
Electronic configuration of [Cu(NH_3)_6]^{2+} on the basis of
In [C u (N H 3) 6] 2 +, oxidation state of C u is + 2, The outer electronic configuration of C u 2 + = 3 d 9 For 3 d 9 configuration, 6 electrons are present in lower t 2 g energy level and 3 electrons are present in higher e g energy level.
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