有关透射电镜 (TEM)选区电子衍射 (SAED)的三个问题 - 知乎
在透射电镜中当高能电子束入射到薄试样上时,在 物镜的后焦平面 上将产生电子衍射花样。 该衍射花样经过中间镜和投影镜放大并显示在观察屏上,最终被 CCD相机 记录,展示在显示器上。 下图给出了透射电镜电子衍射的几何原理示意图,即 爱瓦尔德(Ewald)球 结构图。 一个简单的单晶体电子衍射花样是一个通过倒易点阵原点的二维倒易平面在观察屏上的投影放大图。 图中的中心斑000即是直射束的位置,在衍射花样上衍射斑hkl相当于中心斑000的矢量用Rhkl 表示。 倒易 …
The importance of the shape of Cu2O nanocrystals on plasmon …
2021年9月10日 · Cu 2 O nanostructures of cubic or octahedral shape as well as decorated with gold nanoparticles were synthesized by a chemical process. The electrochemical activity of these nanostructures for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in alkaline media was assessed in the dark and under solar light irradiation.
(A–C) TEM images and (D) SAED pattern of the CuO/Cu2O-3 sample
Results show that a ternary CuO/Cu2O/Cu composite was obtained when a single Cu-MOF was calcined in air. The Cu and Cu2O in the product decreased as the melamine in the raw material increased....
Effect of grain orientations of Cu seed layers on the growth of …
2014年8月19日 · We investigate the growth of Cu films on two different Cu seed layers: one with regular <111>-oriented grains and the other with very strong <111>-preferred orientation.
Imaging electrochemically synthesized Cu2O cubes and their ...
2020年7月13日 · In this study, we show that we can electrochemically deposit Cu 2 O cubes directly from an aqueous CuSO 4 solution within the LCs, and follow their subsequent stability in a CO 2 -saturated KHCO...
Mesoporous Cu2O microspheres for highly efficient C2 chemicals ...
2024年10月1日 · In this work, mesoporous Cu 2 O microspheres of ca. 700 nm diameter size with low crystallinity were fabricated to enable efficient conversion of CO 2 to C 2 chemicals by electrocatalytic reduction.
st-squares(MLLS) fitting analysis. Crystal structure identification by elect. of Cu, CuO and Cu2O respetctively. This method can apply fo.
电催化CO还原铜表面重构机制丨西湖大学人工光合作用与太阳能燃 …
2024年3月1日 · 该成果揭示了碱性CORR过程中铜催化剂“表面结构-反应中间体-活性关系”的动态演变规律,发现铜催化剂表面纳米化及产生的密集纳米晶粒/晶界是其长时间电催化CORR性能衰减的关键原因。 西湖大学理学院博士生刘起良为第一作者,西湖大学人工光合作用与太阳能燃料中心PI杨汶醒为文章通讯作者。...
Seed‐Mediated Synthesis of Monodispersed Cu2O Nanocubes …
2007年11月7日 · Monodispersed Cu2O nanocubes with approximate average sizes of 40, 65, 100, 230, and 420 nm have been prepared using a seed-mediated synthesis approach in aqueous solution. The standard deviation of the nanocube sizes in each sample is below 10 %.
Characterization and electrochemical properties of CuO–Cu2O…
2022年4月1日 · CuO–Cu 2 O@rGO NPC prepared by a seed-mediated growth, and insight has been gained into the key factors during charge/discharge processes for pseudocapacitive energy storage. Excellent dispersal of CuO and Cu 2 O nanoparticles on the surface of rGO nanosheets is observed in CuO–Cu 2 O@rGO NPC, with an average size of 52.49 ± 1.14 nm.