Magnetic ordering in the frustrated Heisenberg chain system …
2009年7月2日 · We report a detailed examination of the magnetic structure of anhydrous cupric chloride $ {\text {CuCl}}_ {2}$ carried out by powder neutron diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat measurements on polycrystalline and single-crystal samples as well as an evaluation of the spin-exchange interactions by first-principles density-func...
Cupric chloride as an chain multiferroic | Phys. Rev. B
2010年8月30日 · Magnetoelectric properties were investigated for an S = 1 / 2 chain antiferromagnet CuCl 2, which turns out to be the first example of nonchalcogen based spiral-spin induced multiferroics. Upon the onset of helimagnetic order propagating along the b axis under zero magnetic field ( H ) , we found emergence of ferroelectric polarization along ...
Title: Cupric chloride CuCl2 as an S=1/2 chain multiferroic
2010年8月31日 · Magnetoelectric properties were investigated for an S=1/2 chain antiferromagnet CuCl2, which turns out to be the first example of non-chalcogen based spiral-spin induced multiferroics. Upon the onset of helimagnetic order propagating along the b-axis under zero magnetic field (H), we found emergence of ferroelectric polarization along the c-axis.
Plot of band gap at the center of the zone versus CuCl2 chain …
Copper chloride consists of parallel chains of CuCl2. The chains are sufficiently far apart such that the electronic and magnetic properties of CuCl2 have been approximated as arising...
On the Possibility of Ferromagnetism in Nanosized CuCl2
2013年1月9日 · Density functional theory using the LANL2DZ/6-31G* basis set has been used to calculate the total energy of CuCl 2 chains having nanometer length. The calculations, which are performed as a function of chain length, predict that chains having ferromagnetic order have a lower energy than chains with no order.
(color online) Crystal structures of CuCl 2 (top) and
Regarding the well known 3D magnetic nature of CuCl 2 · 2H 2 O, 6,7 the quasi 1D behavior of the water free compound CuCl 2 is rather surprising: CuCl 2 is a J 1 – J 2 Heisenberg chain...
undergo a spiral spin ordering within each Cu chain and a long-range N´eel ordering as do LiCuVO 4 and LiCu 2O 2. In the present work we examine the magnetic structure of CuCl 2 in detail by powder neutron diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements
Cupric chloride CuCl 2 as an S = 1 2 chain multiferroic - Semantic …
2010年8月30日 · Magnetoelectric properties were investigated for an $S=1/2$ chain antiferromagnet ${\text{CuCl}}_{2}$, which turns out to be the first example of nonchalcogen based spiral-spin induced multiferroics. Upon the onset of helimagnetic order propagating along the $b$ axis under zero magnetic field $(H)$, we found emergence of ferroelectric ...
Cupric chloride CuCl_ {2} as an S= 1/2 chain multiferroic
2010年8月1日 · Magnetoelectric properties were investigated for an S=1/2 chain antiferromagnet CuCl2, which turns out to be the first example of nonchalcogen based spiral-spin induced multiferroics. Upon the...
Single crystal magnetization and susceptibility studies on CuCl2…
1981年3月1日 · CuCl 2 ⋅DMSO is one of a series of linear chain spin 1/2 compounds recently shown to have predominantly ferromagnetic interactions in the paramagnetic state. Initial studies 1 conducted on powders showed the exchange interaction J to be relatively large (J/k = 45 K) with rather large interchain interactions (J′/J = −0.04).
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