A new three-dimensional structural model for the CuCl2 …
1999年1月1日 · A new 3D structural model of these CuCl 2 –GIC was defined based on a monoclinic, face-centred pseudo-orthorhombic unit cell and the X-ray and electron diffraction patterns were computed
Electronic Structure of the CuCl2(100) Surface: A DFT …
2012年7月30日 · First-principle density functional theory (DFT) and a periodic-slab model have been utilized to investigate the structure of the CuCl 2 (100) surface. Structural parameters of the bulk CuCl 2 are reported and compared with the experimental values.
(PDF) Electronic Structure of the CuCl2(100) Surface: A
2012年7月29日 · First-principle density functional theory (DFT) and a periodic-slab model have been utilized to investigate the structure of the CuCl2 (100) surface. Structural parameters of the bulk CuCl2...
[PDF] Electronic structure of the CuCl 2 (100) surface: a DFT first ...
Electronic properties of the CuCl2(100) surface are investigated by calculating the density of state (DOS) and the projected density of state for a slab containing five layers. First-principle density functional theory (DFT) and a periodic-slab model have been utilized to investigate the structure of the CuCl2(100) surface.
二维过渡金属卤化物CuCl2的结构设计、拉胀机械性能以及电子磁 …
结构搜索数据表明CuCl2具有P-4m2空间对称性,呈现类似-2D SiO2的四方晶格构型,展现出较好的热力学、动力学、和机械学稳定性。 通过对其力学性质研究,发现它具有较大负泊松比(|0.4|),呈现出平面拉伸膨胀(拉胀)特性。
(PDF) Electronic Structure of the CuCl2(100) Surface: A DFT First ...
First-principle density functional theory (DFT) and a periodic-slab model have been utilized to investigate the structure of the CuCl2 (100) surface. Structural parameters of the bulk CuCl2 are reported and compared with the experimental values.
具有固有铁磁性的二维拉胀材料:卤化铜 (CuCl2 ... - X-MOL
CuCl 2的预测居里温度达到~47 K,其铁磁性与构型中Cu 3d 和Cl 3p 态之间的强杂化有关。此外,在双轴拉伸应变或载流子掺杂时,CuCl2单层可以从铁磁性转变为非磁性,从半金属转变为金属。这些特性赋予了这种 CuCl 2单层在拉胀/自旋电子纳米器件中的巨大应用潜力。
2017年8月28日 · 本文选取 CuCl, .2H,0 晶体的聚集体形貌,根据结晶学、晶体形貌学的基 本原理,建立了该晶体聚集体理论模型,再将该理论模型与实际晶体聚集体形貌进行对比,验证了模型的正 确性。 2 实验与观察 将CuCI, . 2H,0 晶体溶于水溶液中,配置成不同浓度的不饱和榕液,将不饱和溶液充分搅匀后滴于一片 洁净与平滑的载玻片上,再用一片盖玻片将液滴轻轻压实,静置-段时间,晶体从盖破片边缘结晶出来,形成 了晶体聚集体形貌。 将获得的晶体聚集体形貌 …
Quantum-chemical analysis of the CuCl2 molecule - Springer
This paper reports on quantum-chemical analysis of the linear structure of CuCl2 by Hartree-Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) methods and also by time-dependent HF (TD HF) and DFT (TD DFT) techniques. Using pure DFT exchange correlation functional (B3LYP) yields the best agreement with the experimental electronic spectra of CuCl2.
A simple model for the electronic states of CuCl is to consider the molecule as a CuC (3d10) cation and a Cl¡ (3p6) anion, and the molecular orbitals in terms of the atomic orbitals of the individual ions.