Meet Cuckoo KP, who is just back in Ireland after an epic 9,000km …
2024年5月2日 · Cuach KP is one of three birds to be tagged in Killarney National Park in May 2023 in a project by the National Parks and Wildlife Service along with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)....
Cuckoos - Birdwatch Cork
Winter in Central America and as far south as northern Argentina. This bird is a rare vagrant to western Europe.
Tracking the cuckoo’s arduous African journey, to the Congo and …
2024年3月2日 · If you hear a female cuckoo singing but can’t identify it, download the free Merlin bird ID app; it will tell you within seconds the bird species singing. I recently began using it, and it’s ...
The Search for the Elusive Cuckoo - National Parks of Ireland
2023年6月8日 · Cuckoos, or Cuach as gaelige, are a summer migrant to Ireland. Adult birds are resident here from April to early July, having spent the winter on the African continent. They are a unique bird in Ireland as they lay their eggs in other birds’ nests and have no involvement in raising their young.
Introducing Cuach Torc | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
Torc was one of three handsome male Cuckoos caught by the tagging team on the morning of 17 May. Over the weekend Torc has flown 136 km (84 miles) north-east and is now close to the town of Clonmel in County Tipperary.
Tracked Bird - Cuach Torc | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
05 Nov 2024 - Cuach Torc finally arrives in Africa! Cuach Torc initially made good progress and by mid-July was in southern Greece. He then inexplicably returned to western Europe, which included a protracted and unexpected stay in northern Germany.
Cuckoo (Cuach) | Magill
Famous (or perhaps infamous) for the female's habit of laying her eggs in the nests of other birds, the Cuckoo is a summer visitor to Europe. The majority arrive in Ireland during April, having travelled from their African wintering grounds.
Welcome To Birdscoach - Home Of Birds
2024年1月2日 · Enter the vibrant realm of exotic birds, where a myriad of diverse species possess awe-inspiring qualities, captivating behaviors, and irreplaceable ...
Cuckoo - BirdWatch Ireland
Adult male Cuckoos are a uniform grey on the head, neck, back, wings and tail. The underparts are white with black barring. Adult females can appear in one of two forms. The so-called grey-morph resembles the adult male plumage, but has throat and …
Cuckoo - askaboutireland.ie
Cuach The cuckoo is a migrating bird. This means that for half of the year, it lives in one part of the world and for the other half it migrates or moves to live in a different part of the world.