Welcome - Cubana Virtual
Utilizando software de simulación como MFS2020, FS2004, FSX, Prepard y Xplane, realizando las simulaciones en las redes virtuales: IVAO y VATSIM . Nuestro objetivo en la red de IVAO/VATSIM es simular operaciones que desarrolla una compañía real en el mundo, además de vuelos regulares y Charters.
AVSIM Library - The AVSIM Community
CSA had a few Britannias on lease from Cubana in the early 1960s. Two colour schemes are included here, one is a fairly simple adaption of the Cubana colours, the other is a full CSA livery. Textures only, you must download and install the Britannia model for FSX (look for Brt_V10X.zip) to use these files.
Cubana ATR 72-210 - jcai.dk
2020年9月17日 · Cubana ATR 72-500 opb Solenta Aviation for the OSP ATR 72-500 base model. These are FSX/P3D/P3Dv4 textures only. The OSP ATR 72-500 base model is required. It can be found at www.avsim.com. Search for osp_atr_72_500_base.zip. The converted P3Dv4 model can be found at https://www.alpha-india.net/aigfiles/files/Converted%20P3D%20v4%20models/
FSX/P3D Cubana Ilyushin IL-62M - CU-T1284 - FlightSim.Com
2021年10月21日 · FSX/P3D Cubana Ilyushin IL-62M - CU-T1284. Project Tupolev IL-62M v1 Cubana livery. Texture only for the freeware PT IL-62M v1 model. Paint kit and repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09.
Proyecto Tupolev Ilyushin IL-62M FSX/FSX-SE P3D/V1-V5
2021年11月2日 · Compatible con FSX , FSX-Steam ( versión de pc fuera de la plataforma de juegos Steam ) P3D del V1 al V5. ambas versiones están en un solo pack , incluye una textura de cubana de aviación, y una adicional fuera del pack de Aeroflot, realizadas por Sergey Gleba créditos al autor.
Addons FS9 - FSX & el 7mo Mandamiento... : TU 204-100E con …
En esta entrada el equivalente ruso del Airbus A321 o el Boeing 757, El TU204-100E con una muy buena textura de Cubana de Aviación. Un panel modificado con una visualidad muy cercana al del avión real.
Cubana de Aviacion Textures and Sceneries - FSX General …
2023年1月20日 · I have searched writing the word "Cuba" and of course I found some textures related to diferent cuban airlines ( Cubana , Aerocaribbean an Aerogaviota). The thing is that none of them has been uploaded recently, last one I thing was about a couple of month and they were some air trafic textures.
FSX Cubana de Aviacion Embraer EMB-110 Fleet Pack
2022年11月1日 · This fleet pack is the official. The aircraft model is Dee Waldron AI (DWAI) Embraer 110 Bandeirante Basepack. This is my website: https://el-mundo-de-los-aviones-ai-traffic.jimdosite.com I hope you enjoy it!. By Jesus Gibran Soriano Solleiro. You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.
AVSIM Library - The AVSIM Community
Cubana and Aeronica of Nicaragua were the other two. Guyana operated a total of three. This repaint depicts 8R-GGA which was leased by Guyana Airways from 1986 to 1988, when it was then sent to Cubana. Textures are 32bit dds & DXT5 dds. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-3.
FSX Cubana Airlines Airbus A321 - Fly Away Simulation
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download.