My name is Cubastic and I am the craziest and the most amazing speedcuber in the world! I solve cubes underwater, jumping of a plane, on tops of highest buildings and other dangerous and...
TheCubicle - High Quality Puzzles, Premium Speed Cubes, Free …
Honestly I have a fondness for easier non WCA puzzles. You don’t need a walkthrough, you can just explore the mechanics on your own and discover what the puzzle can do.
How to solve a Rubik’s cube | The Easiest tutorial | Part 1
The easiest way to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube - Tutorial for beginners help you quickly learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube.
史上"最大"和"最难"的魔方--21阶魔方开箱测评 CUBASTIC
【diy】我制造了大开脑洞的魔方 cubastic. 19:07 【diy】我3d打印了一个"魔方"并试图还原 cubastic. 12:28 金属魔方 cubastic. 16:09 你不能还原的最简单魔方 cubastic. 16:25 pov: 你骗了魔友, 我搞到了全球最小的魔方 cubastic. 03:06 用各种魔方拼出乌克兰国旗🇺🇦 cubastic ...
速拧所有WCA魔方 CUBASTIC - 哔哩哔哩
pov: 你骗了魔友, 我搞到了全球最小的魔方 cubastic. 03:06 用各种魔方拼出乌克兰国旗🇺🇦 cubastic. 05:08 这个四阶魔方要如何还原?cubastic. 18:45 二阶智能魔方gocube开箱测评 cubastic. 14:24 史上"最大"和"最难"的魔方--21阶魔方开箱测评 cubastic ...
2020年10月24日 · Hi, my name is Cubastic and today I will teach you how to solve a 3x3 Rubik’s cube. The technique I’m about to show you is really easy and absolutely everyone can learn it. I can guarantee that after watching all 4parts of this tutorial you will easily solve a Rubik’s cube no matter how scrambled itis.
Cubastic - Printables.com
CUBASTIC is here! I like to print and learn to model. – 3D models. Hi. CUBASTIC is here! I like to print and learn to model. – 3D models. English en. Create. Login. 3D Models Store Clubs Community Contests Brands Events Groups Education Prusa Eshop Prusa Blog. Create. Lvl 17. Cubastic . @cubastic. 1,239. 389. 124 followers 3 Following. Copper.
How to solve a Rubik’s cube | The Easiest tutorial | Part 3
The next part - https://youtu.be/1ZLCKY4GAAYWant to learn how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube? The easiest way to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube - Tutorial for be...
Solving Rubik’s cube of all sizes in record time - YouTube
You can purchase all these cubes at “The Cubicle” store, check the link below 👉 https://bit.ly/36OVxddUse my special promo code "CUBASTIC" and get a discoun...
My name is Cubastic and I am the craziest and the most amazing speedcuber in the world! I solve cubes underwater, jumping of a plane, on tops of highest buildings and other dangerous and unexpected places. Also, on my channel you'll find a lot of tutorials, reviews, unboxings, solvings and upgrading of the hardest puzzles in the world.