CUBE II (Tabletop SEM) - S3 Alliance
EMCrafts CUBE II Series: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with World-Class Performance. Automatic stage & 4CH BSE as a basic option; Lightweight & High productivity; Integrated EDS System (Option) DIY installation; Advantages. Simple and Intuitive User Interface for Everyone; 65 kg portable Tabletop SEM; 5-Axis Stage System
Cube II SEM - Electron Optics Instruments
The Cube II Scanning Electron Microscope offers a simple, intuitive user interface that can be understood by both novice and expert users. This portable Tabletop SEM weighs 70kg and has a full 5-axis euccentric manual stage system.
Cube II (Tabletop SEM) - S3 Alliance
CUBE II is a high performance (fully equipped) Tabletop SEM with the best price on the market. Included in the standard configuration are: SE and BSE detectors, low vacuum mode, motorized stage as well as camera.
The Cube II SEM is the smallest conventional SEM on the market today. It has been miniaturized to minimize the installation area needed. Wiith a resolution of 5nm and magnification of up to 300,000x it will compete with any SEM on the market.
CUBE-II 桌上型掃描電子顯微鏡|高解析 SEM 設備 - 慧承國際有限 …
CUBE-II 是一款高解析度的桌上型掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM),體積小巧但功能強大,廣泛應用於材料科學、生命科學、電子產業及教育訓練等領域。 慧承國際代理 CUBE-II 桌上型掃描電子顯微鏡,具備五軸樣品台、自動對焦與高解析成像,廣泛應用於材料、電子、生物及教學研究領域。
cube2-2 - S3 Alliance
CUBE 2, Tabletop SEM
Cube II Tabletop SEM | NanoImages | Electron - Photonics
Cube II Tabletop SEM - NanoImages - Compact tabletop SEM. Small footprint. Simple and intuitive user interface.
Cube Ⅱ Tabletop SEM with Motorized Stage - Link-pakistan
EMCrafts CUBE II Series: Scanning Electron Microscope with World-Class Performance. Automatic stage & 4CH BSE as a basic option; Light weight & High productivity; Integrated EDS System (Option) DIY installation; Advantages. Simple and Intuitive User Interface for Everyone; 65kg portable Tabletop SEM; 5-Axis Stage System
Discover Advanced Scanning Electron Microscopes
The Cube II SEM is the smallest conventional SEM on the market today. It has been miniaturized to minimize the installation area needed. Wiith a resolution of 5nm and magnification of up to 300,000x it will compete with any SEM on the market.
EM科特 CUBE II台式扫描电镜 - 生物器材网
2022年9月29日 · 离子研磨仪制备扫描电镜(sem)样品的详细流程与原理介绍; 扫描电镜像差科普之各种像差产生的原因及如何减少其对成像的影响; 用公式解释扫描电镜低电压观察不导电样品的优势; afm-sem原子力扫描电镜一体机在二维材料研究中的应用