Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CU Medicine’s admission score tops medical schools in Hong Kong; Around half of the top 100 DSE students choose CU Medicine, including five top scorers and “super” top scorers; 72% of the total intake goes to DSE students
醫學院 | 學院 | 香港中文大學
中大醫學院提供四項醫科學士學位和研究院課程。 醫學課程包括藥劑學、護理學、內外全科醫學、生物醫學工程等。
Requirements - Admissions - MBChB & GPS - CUHK Faculty of Medicine
We set out to recruit the most capable all-round students, who not only have excellent academic abilities and keen interest in the medical discipline, but also with leadership potentials, ability to work in a team, good communication skills, and more importantly, high ethical standards and a strong desire to care for people.
Home | School of Medicine - CUHK
Medical Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen; The Second Affiliated Hospital of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Medicine
The Department of Medicine & Therapeutics was formed in 1997 by the merger of the previous Departments of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology. We offer teaching to medical students for the MBChB programme, provide clinical services and engage in new frontiers of both clinical and basic sciences research.
Faculty of Medicine | Faculties | CUHK
The Faculty of Medicine has excelled in its teaching, clinical practice and research and advancement of health sciences since its establishment at the University. Today, the Faculty is the bastion of public health services and the origin of many groundbreaking medical discoveries and surgical innovations.
香港中文大學醫學院 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港中文大學醫學院 (英語: Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong),成立於1981年,為 香港中文大學 其中一所學院,由五所分學院組成,設有多種醫療科學課程提供予 本科 及 研究生,包括 醫學 、 藥學 、 公共衛生 、 護理學 及 中醫學 [1] 。 香港威爾斯親王醫院 為有關學院的教學醫院及研究基地。 中文大學醫學院為 香港 僅有的兩所 醫學院 之一,也是 香港 僅有的兩所提供 醫學 和 藥學 課程的大學。 另一所為歷史較悠久的 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院。 [2] …
Programme & Admissions - Undergraduate Study - CUHK Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine is committed to establishing strategic partnerships and creating global alliances with institutions of complementary strengths. By developing deep collaborations in student exchange, training and research with international universities, we aim to create a synergistic win-win situation for all parties.
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CUHK Faculty of Medicine - Wikipedia
The Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, branded as CU Medicine, is the medical school of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a public research university. Established in 1981 as Hong Kong's second medical school, the faculty consists of five schools offering undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including in the ...