Master of Arts Programme in Social Policy (MASP)
The Master of Arts in Social Policy (MASP) Programme is a one-year full-time programme which aims at providing high quality postgraduate education to those who already are, or plan to be, …
School of Governance and Policy Science
The School aspires to become an internationally respected innovator and educator in theory-informed and evidence-based public policy and government practices in local, national and …
MSSc Programme in Public Policy - CUHK
"The interdisciplinary MPUP programme of CUHK provided me with comprehensive analytical skills and deep understanding of multifaceted policy challenges." YUM, Ho Yin, Class of 2023 …
Policies, Guidelines and Procedures - Chinese University of Hong Kong
Policies and guidelines on course and unit exemptions for undergraduate students admitted with different qualifications are included in this section for reference of …
School of Governance and Policy Science - sgps.cuhk.edu.hk
School of Governance and Policy Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
MA in Public Policy | 公共政策学院 - spp.cuhk.edu.cn
SPP aims to construct an inclusive and context-based knowledge system for Asian public policy and administration, and promote the development of applied social sciences. We aspire to …
MPhil-PhD in Government and Public Administration
Division of Governance and Policy Science The discipline of Government and Public Administration is a systemic study of political phenomena. Since its establishment in 1970, our …
CUHK disciplinary guidelines and procedures - The Chinese …
CUHK disciplinary guidelines and procedures . Procedures for Handling Cases of Academic Dishonesty. As approved by the Senate Committee on Student Discipline, the following …
Honesty in Academic Work: A Guide for Students and Teachers
香港中文大學對學生作業有嚴格的學術誠信要求,違反學術誠信的個案,一律以零容忍政策處理。 「違反學術誠信」是一個統稱,包括以下類別: 違反有關規定的學生予以懲處,嚴重者包括 …
資訊科技政策 | 香港中文大學資訊科技服務處
Acceptable Use Policies and Guidelines: 1. Email and the Internet Services. 2. Data Centre and Networks. 3. Computing Systems, Software and Account Information. 4. Computer Laboratory. …