崔琦(Daniel C. Tsui、Daniel Chee Tsui) [1] [12],男,汉族 [28],1939年2月28日出生于河南省宝丰县 [9],美籍华人 [2], 诺贝尔物理学奖 获得者 [1], 美国国家科学院院士 [19]、中国台湾“ 中央研究院 ”院士 [19]、 美国艺术与科学院院士 [19]、 中国科学院外籍院士 [6]、 美国国家工程院院士 [19]、 香港科学院 创院院士 [11], 普林斯顿大学 电气与计算机工程学院Arthur Legrand Doty教授、荣休教授 [10]。 1958年,崔琦获得 奥古斯塔纳学院 全额奖学金,赴美国留学。 1961年 …
Qi Cui - Google Scholar
Identifying materials of photographic images and photorealistic computer generated graphics based on deep CNNs. A Novel Steganography Algorithm Based on Instance Segmentation. Math. Biosci. Eng 16,...
南京信息工程大学主页平台管理系统 崔琦--中文主页--首页
欢迎有想象力、编码能力强、有良好英语和数学基础的研究生和本科生与我联系 ([email protected]),加入我所属的数字取证团队,本团队资源丰富、与国内外多所知名院校保持合作关系,我们一起研究学习! l 研究内容. 深度模型知识产权保护 (DNN IP Protection) 鲁棒的深度信息隐藏 (Robust Deep Hiding) 安全可控的AI生成内容...
Qi CUI | Lecturer | Ph.D | Beijing Normal University, Beijing | bnu ...
Qi CUI, Lecturer | Cited by 796 | of Beijing Normal University, Beijing (bnu) | Read 30 publications | Contact Qi CUI
cui qi - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
cui qi. National Center for Nanoscience and Technology. ... T Chang, C Qi, J Meng, N Zhang, T Bing, X Yang, Z Cao, D Shangguan. PLoS One 8 (4), e62348, 2013. 39: 2013: Functional-group specific aptamers indirectly recognizing compounds with alkyl amino group.
I am currently working in the School of Computer Science & School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), China. My research interests include DNN Model IP Protection, Information Hiding, and Multi-media Forensics. Qi Cui, Ruohan Meng, Chaohui Xu, and Chip-Hong Chang.
Qi Cui - OpenReview
Qi Cui Pronouns: he/himAssociate Professor, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. Joined ; November 2022
Cui Lab
Qi (“Chi”) Cui, MD PhD Scientist and clinician at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to research, she also provides clinical and surgical treatments for patients with glaucoma.
Qi Cui (0000-0002-3704-8257) - ORCID
Qi Cui via Scopus - Elsevier The prospects for China's food security and imports: Will China starve the world via imports? Journal of Integrative Agriculture
崔琦 Daniel C. Tsui - 获奖者 | 诺贝尔奖讯 - NobelPress.org
1998年10月13日 · 崔琦先生 于 1939-02-28 在 Henan,China 出生, 现年 86 岁。