Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and ... - Science
2017年10月27日 · Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to study battery materials (1–8), but imaging was limited to samples with reasonable stability under an electron beam. Many battery components [e.g., some lithium-containing electrode materials, organic liquid electrolytes, solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer] are chemically reactive ...
Lijuan Cui - Google Scholar
Project researcher of The university of Tokyo - Cited by 152 - Irradiation damage - Microstructure - Nuclear material - TEM - APT
Yi Cui(崔一) - Google Scholar
Graduate student, Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University - Cited by 888 - Chemical Physics - TEM - Battery
化学诺奖冷冻电镜再放异彩,崔屹团队带来重磅Science- X-MOL资讯
近日, 美国斯坦福大学崔屹 (Yi Cui)教授与 朱棣文 (Steven Chu)教授等研究者的工作再次验证了这一点。 他们开拓性地将冷冻电镜技术应用到了材料科学领域, 通过冷冻电镜研究敏感性的电池材料和界面的精细结构,并首次获得了锂枝晶的原子级结构图像 。
Colloidal synthesis of uniform CuI nanoparticles and their size ...
2013年6月1日 · Copper(I) iodide (CuI) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by a new solution phase co-precipitation approach in the presence of both coordinating and noncoordinating solvents. The as-synthesized CuI nanoparticles with uniform morphology are identified to pure cubic phase.
Preparation, morphology and thermoelectric performance of PEDOT/CuI ...
2023年9月12日 · The compositions and the microstructures of the inorganic filler and its nanocomposite films are investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of CuI fractions on thermoelectric performance is studied.
Advances in In Situ TEM for Dynamic Studies of Carbon‐Based …
In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) enables real-time observation of microstructural changes in electrode materials and interfaces during charging/discharging, crucial for designing high-performance anodes.
SEM and TEM characterizations of γ-CuI nanosheets. a SEM image …
... synthesized γ-CuI nanosheets are further characterized using SEM and TEM studies (Fig. 3). A typical SEM image reveals the well-faceted triangular nanosheets deposited on SiO 2 /Si...
Yi Cui Group - Stanford University
We study fundamentals of nanomaterials including nanowires, colloidal nanocrystals and patterned nanostructures, develop low-cost processings and address critical issues in real-world applications. We developed a set of synthetic and fabrication techniques to obtain designed nanostructure materials with composition, size and shape control.
a) SEM and b) cross-sectional SEM images of Cu-CuI electrode, c) TEM …
A Cu-CuI composite catalyst achieves a remarkable C2+ partial current density of 591 mA cm⁻² at −1.0 V vs. RHE, substantially higher than Cu or CuI alone. It is ascribed to the presence of...